You will wonder why my blog often has a new layout while I don't often update my posts. HAHA. Lame erh? You see, this girl is always enjoying creating/modifying new layouts as a fun experience for herself! But I do update my blog once in a while!
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Icon: LJ/sixthmile
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery
Band Business
Written on: Saturday, February 24, 2007 Time: 5:18 PM
First Rehearsal -- Singapore Conceference Hall (COMPLETED)
Band Performance at Hall for Homeroom -- (26 February. Right after morning assembly)
Second Rehearsal -- NAFA Auditorium (on 1 March . Thursday)
Trip to Hawaii for Pacific Basin International Music Festival -- 23 March to 31 March (on 24 march, there will be a day tour in Seoul and on 30 March, back to Seoul from Hawaii, there will be 1 night of accommodation at a hotel free-of-charge, inclusive of breakfast!) The Korean airline is the only one available as the rest of the airlines are full. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finally, a chance to see Korea for the first time! My dream has finally come true! Not on the whole but at least I get to see the magnificient view of Korea for a while!
I got two consent forms that explains the itineraries and music programs for Hawaii. Man, so many pages to follow up!
Ok, sorry, very short post. BYE =(
my mum wanna watch her youtube. (=_=) Interrupted my blogging. LOL!!!
My Flute Admirer
Written on: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Time: 11:03 AM

Sir James Galway (born December 8, 1939)
He is an Northern Ireland-born virtuoso flautist from Belfast, often called The Man With the Golden Flute. Following in the footsteps of Jean-Pierre Rampal, he became one of the first flautists to establish an international career as a soloist. Queen Elizabeth II knighted him in June 2001.
He is the Principal Guest Conductor of the London Mozart Players, based at the Fairfield Halls, Croydon, South London. Most recently, Sir James has performed for the Academy Award-winning ensemble recording the soundtracks of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings film trilogy.
He purses a solo career, in which he succeeded in doing admirably. His flute was handcrafted by the Muramatsu team. He is also president of a global organization called Flutewise, run by Liz Goodwin.
James Galway is widely regarded as both a supreme interpreter of the classical flute repertoire and a consummate entertainer whose appeal crosses all musical boundaries. As the most televised and recorded classical artist performing today, Sir James has made himself a legend, a modern musical master whose virtuosity on the flute is equaled only by his limitless ambitions and vision. Through his extensive touring, over 30 million albums sold and his frequent international television appearances, Sir James has endeared himself to millions worldwide. As an instructor and humanitarian, Sir James is a tireless promoter of the arts. In addition to keeping a busy touring schedule in which he gives recitals and performs with the world's leading orchestras, Sir James conducts annual master classes. He devotes much of his free time discharging his duties as president of Flutewise, a volunteer-based nonprofit organization which encourages young flute players and donates instruments to low-income students and young people with disabilities.
Born in Belfast, Sir James began playing the penny whistle as a small child before switching to the flute. He continued his studies at the Royal College of Music and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, followed by the Paris Conservatory. He began his career at the Sadlers Wells Opera and the Royal Opera Covent Garden, which led to positions with the BBC Symphony Orchestra where he played piccolo, the London Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra where he was Principal Flute. In 1969, he was appointed Principal Flute of the Berlin Philharmonic. In 1975, Sir James launched his career as a soloist, and within one year he had played over 120 concerts, including appearances with all the London orchestras.
And more... but too much to explain, so I just pick out the necessary points. LOL! He, Sir James Galway, is the guy, whom I admire and idolise, and he is the one who greatly inspires me to learn flute.
I got some albums of him! Some of them are copied and bought from the recordings all thanks to one of my aunties who gave them to me as my birthday present! Some of his albums are very limited and its not easy to find. Oh yes, recently, I went to a video/music stall, and I stumbled upon Sir James Galway's LATEST album! And oh my gosh, it was a THICK album with 100++ over of his music piecies!! Wow, and there was a cover page of him, showing off his magical golden flute that was sparkling like diamonds under the shining lights! Plus, an old, yet charming cheerful face of him and he was smiling sooooooo...!!!!! Argh! I wanna buy his latest album!!! Too bad I didn't bring enough money! ARGH!! I also have one of his albums, collaborating with a famous pianist called Phil Coulter. Wow, I love how they tune their beautiful instruments together at one go, with the orchestra as the background.
WONDERFUL! I also wish to buy other musicians' albums instead of only Sir James Galway's as it was an advise from my flute teacher, Mr Zufar. We, who loves music, ought to listen to all kinds of music and instruments so as to be more familiar with them. Most importantly, we must be knowledgeable about famous musicians like Mozart, Bach, and more. We must also know their backgrounds well. We also need to know the music traditions of the wide world and how they cultivate with music and all.....
HEY HEY, its not embarrassing to idol even an elderly person. I don't care whether you really laugh or not. I don't find anything wrong admiring someone old like Sir James Galway. So what? He is the world no.1 flute player!!! There is one time I really regretted, that was, not been able to watch him perform at Esplanade!!! I read a newspaper reported about him coming over to Singapore to perform at Esplanade!! Shit! I can't find any details about the date and time!!! ARGH!!! I MISSED HIS LIVE SHOW! I think it happened last year at that time. SIGH!
And yes, he is still ALIVE right now! He is still ALIVE! Only 70+ years old!
Because of him and others, they left me a deep desire for music and thats how I want to be a musician when I grow up. I might even get a chance to become a music tutor to teach younger generations, to let them know that music is something which even words are not enough to be expressed, and music can give us the feelings that are beyond explanation. Plus, music is to be loved, not to be treated as just an object for fame and money. Even if a person is talented in music but he just simply used it for fame, he is not a true music lover, because he does not know how to treasure music.
Plans for my future
Written on: Monday, February 19, 2007 Time: 5:29 PM
I was only out for two days for Chinese New Year, and I can't stand a day without touching my flute. I missed listening to its melodic tones and practising on it.
After returning home, I immediately changed my clothes and rushed to the study room to see my beloved flute.
And here I go, playing with it...
Anyway, I got hongbaos! Just counted them today...
How much do I have? ....Not telling you! *hides money away from you*
*Glares* GRRRR!
Oh yes, I looked up at Street Directory and found the place where Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) is. Its somewhere at Bencoolen Road; between Bugis and Raffles!
I knew it was at that place, not Bukit Batok! Zhoumeng was so damned sure it was at Bukit Batok..... (=_=)
But NAFA is either an institution or an academia.....
There are also other music schools like Yamaha Music School....
But how many points to get into NAFA? I heard from my mother that the minimum score is to pass all 5 subjects for O levels.
I just have a perfect 5 subjects for me! ARGH! And all of them must be passable!
Oh my god, I even asked myself; Is it possible for me to enter NAFA even if I passed well? How will they qualify?? They are different from JC and Poly. Institutions are even higher than JCs! I even asked my mother for the possibilities and she just simply answered that they might. Was it an answer just to convince me?? Oh my GOD. How?! I read a newspaper once about the successful teen actors like Joshua Ang. He studied at Pasir Ris secondary school and I was sure he went to NAFA after his O levels. It was stated there! He even planned to take music course as he has piano skills.
If I did not manage to get into NAFA, I might go to Nanyang Polythenic instead, or even Singapore Polythenic. Yet, I wanted to go to a school that teaches music.
I also want to go to JC because I don't want to waste my years, and want to get things quickly so that I can get a good job and provide a better life for my parents.
However, I do not know my limits yet. People like my parents, AND my tutor, keep telling me I can do this and that, when I, myself, am in the lowest class of Express and my marks are very risky. Right at this moment, I noticed my marks are getting slightly better, even my maths, all thanks to my tutor, but I still need improvement in my Physics/Biology and Geography. My way of studying is ups and downs. Sometimes I can do, sometimes I can't. I was really happy when my english had improved from C6 to a B4 but now, I don't know my english standards.... Mr Graham won't even let us know our marks, until progress cards are out.
Sigh.... I have flute as my music talent and I'm going to make full use of it before learning other instruments.
Although I may have set my goal as a musician or even a well-known musician, I still got another plans to become what I want in future because like many people said, you can't see the future as it lies in your hands and you got to strive for it.
As it goes, I might not know whether I can really become a musician in future, so I might want to be an author or a designer or whatever I am good or am interested in. Sigh! I also want to go to university to get diplomas or a master degree for music or others but it depends all on my studies!!! Now, it is not too late to get things done and work harder! Thats why I got to get things quickly! Yeah, QUICKLY! Argh! Moreover, I don't know if my parents can afford to pay the university fee because I heard it was like 50,000 bucks per year. I was like "WHAT ON EARTH?" I don't know if its really that much because Zhoumeng's father told her that it cost him $50,000 per year when he studied in National University of Singapore. Gosh, is it for real?
ZHOUMENG, once and for all, can you please STOP scaring me like this?! Saying that NAFA is TOOO far for me! Universities are MUCH MORE expensive like 50,000! It is true! NAFA is a university, not some schools like JC or Poly, you cannot go! Its a UNIVERSITY, my mum told me! Really! Noooo! You are wrong! Its like this and that and THIS and THAT.
STOP IT ALREADY LAH, CAN?! You are like, driving me to the grave you know!
Please be more gentle with your tones and especially your expressions. It was as though you keep making me look like a fool and I don't know a single information about Earth as if I was an alien, moving to Earth as a new foreign creature and just started learning ABCs and its languages....
And it had been 3 years already, ok? GIMME A BREAK..... (I did not count the year for our primary 6, cos you weren't sort of like that. Only your temper was)
Anyway I always thought I was good in Art but then I realised that music was so much better and it really inspired me alot more than art did.
Anyway, it's too early for me to confirm anything as I am still studying, in sec 3 and O levels awaiting me... so I guess I will have to prepare after I finish my O levels. I also plan to work part-time job to earn some salary as savings for my future. Maybe as a flute tutor? Hehehe.
Red & Black Post
Written on: Saturday, February 17, 2007 Time: 3:19 PM
First of all, I would like to wish you guys....
May each of you get lots of hongbaos!
May each of you eat lots of Bak Kwa!
I'll be waiting for you to grow FAT overnight!
Oh yes, last but not the least, I wish you guys an enjoyable CNY!

(^_^) Yummmiilious! I can't wait to eat Bak Kwa!!!
Deep Sigh
Written on: Thursday, February 15, 2007 Time: 12:56 PM
I was physically and mentally exhausted from all the school work and excessive long hours of staying in school, including my CCA.
Last Friday and Saturday, on the 9 and 10 February, I had CCA for 7 hours and 12 hours respectively. Gosh, it was not the first time. When I was back in sec 2, I also experienced them. I felt as if I was staying in a hospital. Luckily, a beautifully expressive, yet unspoken art called music, always lighten up my mood. No matter how tired I was, the moment my band conductor, Mr De, raised his stick up (the stick thing that conducts the timing), indicating us to get ready to play the pieces, my soul lifted and I felt my body regenerating energy, making me feeling energetic once again.
This is what I like about my band. Not only that, not all, but majority of my concert band teammates are easy to get along with. The juniors are even more friendly but perhaps the reason could be that we are seniors! Hahaha but it doesn't matter. So yeah, anyway, I got some belated valentine's day presents today from my juniors and seniors, including Zann!
Zann gave me a small decorated wrapped plastic bag containing MELTED chocolates.... (=_=)
They are kind of chocolates that easily melt. Haiz....
When I received the gifts, I was really touched and I guessed my valentine's day was worthwhile, even though it was one day late. I always think that when it comes to valentine's day, no present for me for sure and I always treat valentine's day as just another ordinary day. However, this time, I got them! I think it had been a really long time ever since I received valentine gifts from friends. I was really surprised, yet happy.
I really wished to sign in those forms that give you the consent to take any one of the japanese students to stay overnight at your house. ARGH! You know, I really regretted not doing so. If you asked me "Why didn't you do so then?" My answer would be "I wish I could! A great pity I don't have sufficient time to host one!"
ARGH! I had LOVED to bring one home, communicating and understanding each other more! I would LOVE to hear a japanese talking to me in japanese again! It had been so long since I visited Japan twice and I did not really hear much of japanese language (except for the food ordering, services and guides)... HAIZ!!!! It really feel GREAT to talk to a foreigner! I'm used to speaking with westerners as I see Mr Graham's face and his talking everyday and Mr Zufar, my flute teacher. As Mr Zufar was the first westerner to ever communicate with me for the past 3 years and up, man, I'm used to it. LOL. By the way, Mr Graham is not "Mr Graham" he is Mr Precher. The spelling Precher is wrong. It was just a pronouce, so I don't know how to spell it out. Also don't know why they put him as Graham when he wants us to call him with another name.
When Ivy insisted me to say "Ohayo" to the japanese, I suddenly felt like doing it, yet something was holding me back. We were in public, at the canteen. I guessed I was either shy or had no courage. But well, honestly, I will have more courage to do so if it was just me and a japanese alone together. More peace. Not many people "looking". Then I can voice out.
HAIZ! I WANNA SEE THEM AGAIN!! TOO BAD THEY WILL COME BACK NEXT YEAR, probably different girls.... and SURE NO CHANCE! COS WE WILL BE SEC 4 BY NOW!!!! ARGH! I don't wanna say the You-Know-What exams that await us for our forth year!
ARGH!!!!! Till now, my heart was like, still REGRETTING!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!! Its only 15 February and my heart is like.......SIGH!!!
Why no time? I HAVE CCA! STAY BACK FOR FREAKING LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG HOURS! 12 hours?? Never heard before!! OH, and when they mentioned about the japanese staying, it was kinda last-minute annoucement, but still, its a NO for me!!!!!!!!
Not prepared.... house is not "clean" to welcome the guest..... my hamsters are not ready with their smelly homes... I got school homework....I got CCA.... I got music schedule every Sunday... got grandparents' visiting... AND WHATSOEVER MORE I HAVE.
I'm regretting SO MUCH!
I ALWAYS WANT A FOREIGN FRIEND!!! JAPANESE OR KOREAN OR EVEN WESTERNER! Westerners? NAH, they are adults leh, even Mr Zufar liao. He's a father leh. Old, old man. LOL! NO NO NO!
*Calm down... calm down...*
Now listening to music to calm my frustrated heart that filled with regret.
If I ever take a japanese home, first thing I wanna do is, SMILE SWEETLY AS BEST AS I CAN! And say "anata no onamae wa desu ka?" or even "oname wa nan desu ka?"
Written on: Sunday, February 11, 2007 Time: 1:07 AM
Written on: Sunday, February 04, 2007 Time: 6:04 PM

Rachel was probably the only one singing Happy Birthday LOUDLY LOL.

Look at Ida! We wondered what she had wished for....... its a secret though.
 Lakkshna, so impatient! (>.<)"

THE BEST PRESENT EVER! And the best among the rest! =) HI 5, HAUEN!

Ivy seemed worried upon looking at Ida's expression....(that present was Jonathan. The next one would be Ivy's but no photo available)

BE FEARED.... (the font's ugly. hahaha)


Band Business
Written on: Saturday, February 24, 2007 Time: 5:18 PM
First Rehearsal -- Singapore Conceference Hall (COMPLETED)
Band Performance at Hall for Homeroom -- (26 February. Right after morning assembly)
Second Rehearsal -- NAFA Auditorium (on 1 March . Thursday)
Trip to Hawaii for Pacific Basin International Music Festival -- 23 March to 31 March (on 24 march, there will be a day tour in Seoul and on 30 March, back to Seoul from Hawaii, there will be 1 night of accommodation at a hotel free-of-charge, inclusive of breakfast!) The Korean airline is the only one available as the rest of the airlines are full. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Finally, a chance to see Korea for the first time! My dream has finally come true! Not on the whole but at least I get to see the magnificient view of Korea for a while!
I got two consent forms that explains the itineraries and music programs for Hawaii. Man, so many pages to follow up!
Ok, sorry, very short post. BYE =(
my mum wanna watch her youtube. (=_=) Interrupted my blogging. LOL!!!
My Flute Admirer
Written on: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Time: 11:03 AM

Sir James Galway (born December 8, 1939)
He is an Northern Ireland-born virtuoso flautist from Belfast, often called The Man With the Golden Flute. Following in the footsteps of Jean-Pierre Rampal, he became one of the first flautists to establish an international career as a soloist. Queen Elizabeth II knighted him in June 2001.
He is the Principal Guest Conductor of the London Mozart Players, based at the Fairfield Halls, Croydon, South London. Most recently, Sir James has performed for the Academy Award-winning ensemble recording the soundtracks of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings film trilogy.
He purses a solo career, in which he succeeded in doing admirably. His flute was handcrafted by the Muramatsu team. He is also president of a global organization called Flutewise, run by Liz Goodwin.
James Galway is widely regarded as both a supreme interpreter of the classical flute repertoire and a consummate entertainer whose appeal crosses all musical boundaries. As the most televised and recorded classical artist performing today, Sir James has made himself a legend, a modern musical master whose virtuosity on the flute is equaled only by his limitless ambitions and vision. Through his extensive touring, over 30 million albums sold and his frequent international television appearances, Sir James has endeared himself to millions worldwide. As an instructor and humanitarian, Sir James is a tireless promoter of the arts. In addition to keeping a busy touring schedule in which he gives recitals and performs with the world's leading orchestras, Sir James conducts annual master classes. He devotes much of his free time discharging his duties as president of Flutewise, a volunteer-based nonprofit organization which encourages young flute players and donates instruments to low-income students and young people with disabilities.
Born in Belfast, Sir James began playing the penny whistle as a small child before switching to the flute. He continued his studies at the Royal College of Music and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, followed by the Paris Conservatory. He began his career at the Sadlers Wells Opera and the Royal Opera Covent Garden, which led to positions with the BBC Symphony Orchestra where he played piccolo, the London Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra where he was Principal Flute. In 1969, he was appointed Principal Flute of the Berlin Philharmonic. In 1975, Sir James launched his career as a soloist, and within one year he had played over 120 concerts, including appearances with all the London orchestras.
And more... but too much to explain, so I just pick out the necessary points. LOL! He, Sir James Galway, is the guy, whom I admire and idolise, and he is the one who greatly inspires me to learn flute.
I got some albums of him! Some of them are copied and bought from the recordings all thanks to one of my aunties who gave them to me as my birthday present! Some of his albums are very limited and its not easy to find. Oh yes, recently, I went to a video/music stall, and I stumbled upon Sir James Galway's LATEST album! And oh my gosh, it was a THICK album with 100++ over of his music piecies!! Wow, and there was a cover page of him, showing off his magical golden flute that was sparkling like diamonds under the shining lights! Plus, an old, yet charming cheerful face of him and he was smiling sooooooo...!!!!! Argh! I wanna buy his latest album!!! Too bad I didn't bring enough money! ARGH!! I also have one of his albums, collaborating with a famous pianist called Phil Coulter. Wow, I love how they tune their beautiful instruments together at one go, with the orchestra as the background.
WONDERFUL! I also wish to buy other musicians' albums instead of only Sir James Galway's as it was an advise from my flute teacher, Mr Zufar. We, who loves music, ought to listen to all kinds of music and instruments so as to be more familiar with them. Most importantly, we must be knowledgeable about famous musicians like Mozart, Bach, and more. We must also know their backgrounds well. We also need to know the music traditions of the wide world and how they cultivate with music and all.....
HEY HEY, its not embarrassing to idol even an elderly person. I don't care whether you really laugh or not. I don't find anything wrong admiring someone old like Sir James Galway. So what? He is the world no.1 flute player!!! There is one time I really regretted, that was, not been able to watch him perform at Esplanade!!! I read a newspaper reported about him coming over to Singapore to perform at Esplanade!! Shit! I can't find any details about the date and time!!! ARGH!!! I MISSED HIS LIVE SHOW! I think it happened last year at that time. SIGH!
And yes, he is still ALIVE right now! He is still ALIVE! Only 70+ years old!
Because of him and others, they left me a deep desire for music and thats how I want to be a musician when I grow up. I might even get a chance to become a music tutor to teach younger generations, to let them know that music is something which even words are not enough to be expressed, and music can give us the feelings that are beyond explanation. Plus, music is to be loved, not to be treated as just an object for fame and money. Even if a person is talented in music but he just simply used it for fame, he is not a true music lover, because he does not know how to treasure music.
Plans for my future
Written on: Monday, February 19, 2007 Time: 5:29 PM
I was only out for two days for Chinese New Year, and I can't stand a day without touching my flute. I missed listening to its melodic tones and practising on it.
After returning home, I immediately changed my clothes and rushed to the study room to see my beloved flute.
And here I go, playing with it...
Anyway, I got hongbaos! Just counted them today...
How much do I have? ....Not telling you! *hides money away from you*
*Glares* GRRRR!
Oh yes, I looked up at Street Directory and found the place where Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) is. Its somewhere at Bencoolen Road; between Bugis and Raffles!
I knew it was at that place, not Bukit Batok! Zhoumeng was so damned sure it was at Bukit Batok..... (=_=)
But NAFA is either an institution or an academia.....
There are also other music schools like Yamaha Music School....
But how many points to get into NAFA? I heard from my mother that the minimum score is to pass all 5 subjects for O levels.
I just have a perfect 5 subjects for me! ARGH! And all of them must be passable!
Oh my god, I even asked myself; Is it possible for me to enter NAFA even if I passed well? How will they qualify?? They are different from JC and Poly. Institutions are even higher than JCs! I even asked my mother for the possibilities and she just simply answered that they might. Was it an answer just to convince me?? Oh my GOD. How?! I read a newspaper once about the successful teen actors like Joshua Ang. He studied at Pasir Ris secondary school and I was sure he went to NAFA after his O levels. It was stated there! He even planned to take music course as he has piano skills.
If I did not manage to get into NAFA, I might go to Nanyang Polythenic instead, or even Singapore Polythenic. Yet, I wanted to go to a school that teaches music.
I also want to go to JC because I don't want to waste my years, and want to get things quickly so that I can get a good job and provide a better life for my parents.
However, I do not know my limits yet. People like my parents, AND my tutor, keep telling me I can do this and that, when I, myself, am in the lowest class of Express and my marks are very risky. Right at this moment, I noticed my marks are getting slightly better, even my maths, all thanks to my tutor, but I still need improvement in my Physics/Biology and Geography. My way of studying is ups and downs. Sometimes I can do, sometimes I can't. I was really happy when my english had improved from C6 to a B4 but now, I don't know my english standards.... Mr Graham won't even let us know our marks, until progress cards are out.
Sigh.... I have flute as my music talent and I'm going to make full use of it before learning other instruments.
Although I may have set my goal as a musician or even a well-known musician, I still got another plans to become what I want in future because like many people said, you can't see the future as it lies in your hands and you got to strive for it.
As it goes, I might not know whether I can really become a musician in future, so I might want to be an author or a designer or whatever I am good or am interested in. Sigh! I also want to go to university to get diplomas or a master degree for music or others but it depends all on my studies!!! Now, it is not too late to get things done and work harder! Thats why I got to get things quickly! Yeah, QUICKLY! Argh! Moreover, I don't know if my parents can afford to pay the university fee because I heard it was like 50,000 bucks per year. I was like "WHAT ON EARTH?" I don't know if its really that much because Zhoumeng's father told her that it cost him $50,000 per year when he studied in National University of Singapore. Gosh, is it for real?
ZHOUMENG, once and for all, can you please STOP scaring me like this?! Saying that NAFA is TOOO far for me! Universities are MUCH MORE expensive like 50,000! It is true! NAFA is a university, not some schools like JC or Poly, you cannot go! Its a UNIVERSITY, my mum told me! Really! Noooo! You are wrong! Its like this and that and THIS and THAT.
STOP IT ALREADY LAH, CAN?! You are like, driving me to the grave you know!
Please be more gentle with your tones and especially your expressions. It was as though you keep making me look like a fool and I don't know a single information about Earth as if I was an alien, moving to Earth as a new foreign creature and just started learning ABCs and its languages....
And it had been 3 years already, ok? GIMME A BREAK..... (I did not count the year for our primary 6, cos you weren't sort of like that. Only your temper was)
Anyway I always thought I was good in Art but then I realised that music was so much better and it really inspired me alot more than art did.
Anyway, it's too early for me to confirm anything as I am still studying, in sec 3 and O levels awaiting me... so I guess I will have to prepare after I finish my O levels. I also plan to work part-time job to earn some salary as savings for my future. Maybe as a flute tutor? Hehehe.
Red & Black Post
Written on: Saturday, February 17, 2007 Time: 3:19 PM
First of all, I would like to wish you guys....
May each of you get lots of hongbaos!
May each of you eat lots of Bak Kwa!
I'll be waiting for you to grow FAT overnight!
Oh yes, last but not the least, I wish you guys an enjoyable CNY!

(^_^) Yummmiilious! I can't wait to eat Bak Kwa!!!
Deep Sigh
Written on: Thursday, February 15, 2007 Time: 12:56 PM
I was physically and mentally exhausted from all the school work and excessive long hours of staying in school, including my CCA.
Last Friday and Saturday, on the 9 and 10 February, I had CCA for 7 hours and 12 hours respectively. Gosh, it was not the first time. When I was back in sec 2, I also experienced them. I felt as if I was staying in a hospital. Luckily, a beautifully expressive, yet unspoken art called music, always lighten up my mood. No matter how tired I was, the moment my band conductor, Mr De, raised his stick up (the stick thing that conducts the timing), indicating us to get ready to play the pieces, my soul lifted and I felt my body regenerating energy, making me feeling energetic once again.
This is what I like about my band. Not only that, not all, but majority of my concert band teammates are easy to get along with. The juniors are even more friendly but perhaps the reason could be that we are seniors! Hahaha but it doesn't matter. So yeah, anyway, I got some belated valentine's day presents today from my juniors and seniors, including Zann!
Zann gave me a small decorated wrapped plastic bag containing MELTED chocolates.... (=_=)
They are kind of chocolates that easily melt. Haiz....
When I received the gifts, I was really touched and I guessed my valentine's day was worthwhile, even though it was one day late. I always think that when it comes to valentine's day, no present for me for sure and I always treat valentine's day as just another ordinary day. However, this time, I got them! I think it had been a really long time ever since I received valentine gifts from friends. I was really surprised, yet happy.
I really wished to sign in those forms that give you the consent to take any one of the japanese students to stay overnight at your house. ARGH! You know, I really regretted not doing so. If you asked me "Why didn't you do so then?" My answer would be "I wish I could! A great pity I don't have sufficient time to host one!"
ARGH! I had LOVED to bring one home, communicating and understanding each other more! I would LOVE to hear a japanese talking to me in japanese again! It had been so long since I visited Japan twice and I did not really hear much of japanese language (except for the food ordering, services and guides)... HAIZ!!!! It really feel GREAT to talk to a foreigner! I'm used to speaking with westerners as I see Mr Graham's face and his talking everyday and Mr Zufar, my flute teacher. As Mr Zufar was the first westerner to ever communicate with me for the past 3 years and up, man, I'm used to it. LOL. By the way, Mr Graham is not "Mr Graham" he is Mr Precher. The spelling Precher is wrong. It was just a pronouce, so I don't know how to spell it out. Also don't know why they put him as Graham when he wants us to call him with another name.
When Ivy insisted me to say "Ohayo" to the japanese, I suddenly felt like doing it, yet something was holding me back. We were in public, at the canteen. I guessed I was either shy or had no courage. But well, honestly, I will have more courage to do so if it was just me and a japanese alone together. More peace. Not many people "looking". Then I can voice out.
HAIZ! I WANNA SEE THEM AGAIN!! TOO BAD THEY WILL COME BACK NEXT YEAR, probably different girls.... and SURE NO CHANCE! COS WE WILL BE SEC 4 BY NOW!!!! ARGH! I don't wanna say the You-Know-What exams that await us for our forth year!
ARGH!!!!! Till now, my heart was like, still REGRETTING!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!! Its only 15 February and my heart is like.......SIGH!!!
Why no time? I HAVE CCA! STAY BACK FOR FREAKING LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG HOURS! 12 hours?? Never heard before!! OH, and when they mentioned about the japanese staying, it was kinda last-minute annoucement, but still, its a NO for me!!!!!!!!
Not prepared.... house is not "clean" to welcome the guest..... my hamsters are not ready with their smelly homes... I got school homework....I got CCA.... I got music schedule every Sunday... got grandparents' visiting... AND WHATSOEVER MORE I HAVE.
I'm regretting SO MUCH!
I ALWAYS WANT A FOREIGN FRIEND!!! JAPANESE OR KOREAN OR EVEN WESTERNER! Westerners? NAH, they are adults leh, even Mr Zufar liao. He's a father leh. Old, old man. LOL! NO NO NO!
*Calm down... calm down...*
Now listening to music to calm my frustrated heart that filled with regret.
If I ever take a japanese home, first thing I wanna do is, SMILE SWEETLY AS BEST AS I CAN! And say "anata no onamae wa desu ka?" or even "oname wa nan desu ka?"
Written on: Sunday, February 11, 2007 Time: 1:07 AM
Written on: Sunday, February 04, 2007 Time: 6:04 PM

Rachel was probably the only one singing Happy Birthday LOUDLY LOL.

Look at Ida! We wondered what she had wished for....... its a secret though.
 Lakkshna, so impatient! (>.<)"

THE BEST PRESENT EVER! And the best among the rest! =) HI 5, HAUEN!

Ivy seemed worried upon looking at Ida's expression....(that present was Jonathan. The next one would be Ivy's but no photo available)

BE FEARED.... (the font's ugly. hahaha)


About me
Music and art lover
Anime fan
DBSK fan
1st year NYP student in Animation (Digital Media Design)
2) Currently doing ATCL (Associate Diploma from Trinity College London in Flute Performance)
The exam pieces are just getting harder! T_T
Music. Art. Shopping. Korean pop. American pop. Read comics.
Watch animes, korean dramas and western movies
Travelling. Outdoor sports (badminton and captainball) Play photoshop. Loves
japanese, western and korean food!
2010 Resolution
• Do well in my polytechnic
• Be more confident in what I am doing
Organize things properly T.T
Pass my flute ATCL Diploma
• Continue theory grade 6
Learn other musical instruments
My Goals
• Be a professional flautist
• Achieve a successful career
Chanying (BlogS)
Chanying (LiveJ)
Elean Ng
Hai Shi
Hau En
Hui Yiu
Ivy Lu
Jeanette Lim
Joe Eng
Victor Keng
Victor Phua
Wei Lie
Wei Ling
Zhou Meng
I seriously love anime since childhood. I always draws out the manga characters and once created my own story of "Legend of the Dragons" and a Pokemon comic book made of only A4 PAPERS! I was still so young at that time. I remembered vividly that I gave one of my created comic book to a female teacher I really admired in CCPS. HAHA!
Animes that I have watched (alphabetically)
I'm not going to insert Summary on the shows I have watched.
Lazy! Just by seeing the genres can roughly give you the idea
DN Angel
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic,
Romance, School
Full Metal Panic
Genre: Action, Comedy, Mecha, Sci-Fi
Inuyasha Season 1 - 7 / Inuyasha Final Act
(last season)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Shounen, Supernatural
Kimi Ni Todoke
Genre: Romance, School, Shoujo
Ouran High School Club
Genre: Comedy, Parody, School, Shoujo

School Rumble
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School, Slice of Life
Shakugan No Shana
Genre: Action, Comedy,
Drama, Fantasy, Romance, School, Supernatural

Special A
Comedy, Romance, School, Shoujo

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (The Wallflower)
Genre: Comedy, Shoujo