You will wonder why my blog often has a new layout while I don't often update my posts. HAHA. Lame erh? You see, this girl is always enjoying creating/modifying new layouts as a fun experience for herself! But I do update my blog once in a while!
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Icon: LJ/sixthmile
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery
Ida's BBQ at Changi Beach Park
Written on: Thursday, May 31, 2007 Time: 6:25 PM
Ida's BBQ at Changi Beach Park
Shit, why do I always have to be LATE??? I told myself so many times that "i will not be late... will not be late..."
In the end, STILL LATE! To think i can still take my own time and BATHE!
Anyway! I took a taxi to Pasir Ris MRT. Recieved calls from ivy and ida....
Especially from IVY (=_=)
" disappointed can!"
I know that...RELAX.
I finally reached Pasir Ris MRT, and frantically searched out for Ivy Lu.
I was feeling abit fustrated and calling her at the same time when two secondary boys or JC boys (cos of the uniform and their grown-up looks) suddenly approached me, asking me to donate for the FUNDS.
I was like "err no nono...!" and did not donate.
"I'm at Pasir Ris! Where you??"
"I'm also here!! Taxi stand?"
"I'm there but I don't see you!"
"Aiya, meet you at McDonald!"
When I went there, she still not there, even though she called to say she was already THERE. I was like HUH? How can???
IN THE END, Ivy said "Oh! Sorry! I'm at Tampines!"
No WONDER LAH. feel like laughing can. hahahaha!
So while waiting for her, I thought about those two boys back there who asked for donation. I felt like donating, now that I'm relieved and could wait. LOL! But I dunno why I felt abit nervous. Firstly, I rejected them and now I feel like going back again to donate. Dunno how they would react when they see me wanting to donate on second thought. I was about to take out a dollar and pluck up my courage to them when my eyes spotted Ivy in a taxi, waving.
( T__T ) I guess I'm not fated to donate. LOL. jk jk.
Saw Ida and her mother waiting for us!
And Ida's mother PAID the taxi fare! Really, THANK YOU!!
So yep, we had BBQ. We even met some of her neighbours.
We chatted and ate. They were very delicious to eat! BBQ CHICKENS....SATAY....FRIZZY DRINKS.... yeah i know I'll grow FAT one day! haha. Then went to cycling!!
Ida boasted that she could cycle very well but found out she was actually clumsy
When Ida led us the way to rent the bicycles, my god, its SO FAR...!! We walked and walked like ages. When I thought after we walked over a bridge, Ivy and I was like "Reach already? How come food court there?"
Ida said "No no, we still have to walk after food court, its over THERE"
WAH legs felt kinda tired! Ida even said "Exercise lah!"
FINALLY...we reached a bicycle stall. A pity that the bicycles don't have bells to ring and bucket to put our valuable things inside!
Next, we faced some obstacles! Like cycling over rocky and steepy ground. Like as if we were going through some AMAZING RACE (=_=) I think I almost freaked out when it was my turn to overcome them. LOL. It seemed SO DANGEROUS ok!!
Finally reached the BEACH....we spent two hours cycling and returning back to Ida's bbq place for rest and snacks. So here's some pictures during our cycling period! And our eating time!
OMG... Can you see my TUMMY popping out??? ARRRRGH!
GUESS WHAT I AM EATING? ida, what were you eating anyway? I forgot LOL!
     There was also another beach like that photo at Ida's bbq place but the water looked so dirty. We managed to find this nice and cleaner water somewhere else during our cycling period.
O yes, during our cyclings, we had to stop our bikes often cos' so many people keep blocking our ways. Moreover, our bikes did not have any bells to signal so we had to be extra careful especially when little kids dashed across the road.
 Ida paid for the bicycle rent....even the drinks wehad at food court.... Really, I wanted to pay you back but you say NO NEED. We must really treat you when its our turn! You even give us big batteries for our hearing aid for FREE. I feel like, you spend money on us and we get it for FREE. We have to treat you someday yeah!
Anyway, I had fun today! THANK YOU FOR THE DAY, IDA! I wanted to go home early cos I felt so tired, plus, I wanna watch the channel U show "BE STRONG GEUM SOON!"
Written on: Sunday, May 27, 2007 Time: 9:51 PM
I really somehow regretted being your friend.
I used to see you as my good friend after our broken bestie friendship
Because I thought that everything would be fine after we settled our problems and I thought we are old enough to solve matters like these.
But I was wrong.
Totally wrong.
There was one time, Miss Voon had a teacher-student chat with me, ivy and this girl after the assembly.
When Miss Voon happened to ask whether the three of us were good friends, I was like "Yes, we are" as I just wanted to make it straight foward and not let her know so much of our personal affairs
But know what this girl said to her directly? "No, JUST friend"
I was stunned ok!
I'm shocked that she would actually said her thought out straight to miss voon. I felt abit embarrassed. Firstly, i told miss voon we are good friends but after hearing that girl's word, miss voon was abit confused and was like looking at me and her!
I was like "nono, we are good friends. The three of us" and even forced a smile. I remembered Ivy also quickly added that we are also good friends so as to convince miss voon and not let her ask further questions.
Wah liao.
Then one time, this girl came over to my house to complete the rest of the english project. Then she was like telling me that she don't like ivy's attitude and jiayi's attitude. She was telling me her problems. But if she do so as if she still see me as her friend, then how does she explain about this big fat lie of hers about not going out on Saturday when in fact, she is actually FREE??? I can remember vividly that she told me she was not free when we were in the MRT train going home.
Wah liao, just what do you think I am? A machine which you can just tell your problems as you please and then, dump it when its of no use???
I really often feel you don't respect me as your friend.
Even dare roll your stupid eyes at me, giving me that unhappy face of yours whenever you faced me when i wanted to talk to you.
You know, i told myself i was really PLEASED that we are NO LONGER best friends. If i were still your best friend now, whoa, i'll be dead man. Killed by thousands piercing hateful words and stares by you!!!
URGH, i really getting sick of you man.
you cried and complained that ivy and i didn't talk to you
now we did, you still treat us like shit
what are we? Your ROBOT friends is it? Expect us to do this and that for you, erh?
I really want to slap you. My hands are itching for it!
Whenever i see you are down, i would try to talk to you and cheer you up, cos I really dunno what your recent problem is, and perhaps your problems is us, and as you said "nvm, its my problem" so i thought nvm, just try to talk to you as a friend
But as days goes by, i am starting to see the more in you and i found out your true colours..
Its really horrible. The ugly you.
I really don't know how i can ever say anything to convince you or anything.
Until now, you are still the same, in fact, becoming worse. You say you got so many problems, especially to us. Then, tell us lah! Why tell us this, then we thought its ur problem then later, you still the same, giving us the SHIT. WAH LIAO, JUST WHAT IS YOUR FREAKING DAMNED PROBLEM????
You want us to understand you, you have to UNDERSTAND YOURSELF FIRST!
Don't just blah blah your words at us, then in the end, its not true anymore!
really, i dun feel like seeing you as a friend.
Not even a friend, after seeing how you treat us.
dun feel like talking to you anymore!Labels: i really have enough of you
i felt so insulted as a hearing impaired....
Written on: Friday, May 25, 2007 Time: 9:25 PM
OH GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When i went inside the classroom, I saw MISS VOON and two spare seats for me and mum to sit down....i was like "OH MY GOSH....." I feel as i have to prepare myself to hear for the WORST or BETTER.....
In the end,
my class position is 31/37
And 47%....
failed three subjects and only passed 2 subjects....
Haiz, miss voon even mentioned to my mum that I talked too much and had not been paying attention in class. LOL!!
Anyway, Ivy, I asked miss voon about the subjetcs like Higher Music and Higher Art, its actually not for us, only for the better class, like those taking Higher Chinese.
And I also asked about the courses which Poly have
You know what? When I heard all these from my mum and miss voon
I felt so discouraged and utterly disappointed.
They said that art courses and music courses don't accept hearing impaired.
I was like "How can?? But i got flute course from outside, why can't i use it as a evidence during the interviews so that they can accept me in? What about art?? I got hands to draw!"
My mum even dare say "Its simply because you are a hearing impaired" Even Miss Voon agreed.
I was like so upset can. I tried not to show it but in my heart, i was already very disappointed. They say that we HI can only take other courses except art and music. Well, music, unfortunately, cannot be accepted for HI. No matter how we try to convince them, they will not accept us to enter music course. Simply cos we are HEARING IMPAIRED. For Art, most of them, are also not accepted for HI. My mum said that there could be a possible acception for HI for art, which is, few arts like Fashion and Interior Designs.
Fashion, is all about clothes. Interior Designs is all about furnitures, cardboards, making sulptures, and more, using your talented hands to design. There is also an Art which only requires hands, like drawing a big massive piece of art on the wall, like those in Art museum. I think its visual art? No? I'm not sure liao.
When my mother detailed them, i realised its extremely difficult. Fashion is hard. Really hard. So is Interior Design and "Visual Arts" (i dunno if it is really visual art but i'll just use it as example for "an art for HI people")
When on interviews for Fashion, you have to show a picture of your work on clothes, you have to analyse them, detail them, from length to length, what kind of material to use and why is such a material have to be used, and you must know how to sew and blah blah. Really hard. I dun even think I'm up to it.
Interior Design? Definetely not. I have not even learn such skills like that! Maybe my hands have no talent for doing such extreme manual work.
"Visual Art"?? I dunno. Its kinda similar to Interior Design; using hands.
Now, how about art like drawing cartoons? Like ZM's case
Its a no-no.
I mean is, when drawing animes, it also requires sound recording; media.
Art that works with media, will not accept HI. Just because of SOUND. Something to do with HEARING. It implies music too.
I really feel insulted. Not from my mum or miss voon. But those people who plan such rules like that. I really feel INSULTED. I was like "But you know, there is this hearing impaired girl, who is a xyophonist. She earns a living for that, i guess??" (Hauen should know about her, cos she is in the percussion band with her)
My mum said "Thats probably her personal hobby"
I was like "Then how about mine? isn't mine a personal hobby too? If she can do it, why can't I? Why won't the Polys give us a chance? its unfair!"
My mum said "Well, to be a musician, you need a music degree from university. Without a degree, you won't make it far as a musician"
Okay, at least university would probably accept us, but not polythenics. What the hell can.
Why? just cos we are hearing impaired, we are not allowed to take art or music course? How would they know when they don't even give us a chance?! Wah liao, another great disadvantage being a hearing impaired!!!
Why bother to take a course you don't enjoy? Why won't they let us take a course we enjoy? Its really unfair.
Just take it as a new learning skill from a new course? So what? Do you really enjoy it or not? How to put your heart and soul into a course you are not even interested in?? Wah liao, i just guess we have to get used to it..... and i hope there are other course which I'm slightly interested in and might consider to apply in, if im ever disqualified in art or music.Labels: ARGH.
Written on: Saturday, May 12, 2007 Time: 7:05 PM
You Are a Very Good Girl |  You are 90% Good and 10% Bad You're a perfect angel - almost impossibly so Don't you ever feel like being a little bad?!? |
You Should Be a Film Writer |  You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind. You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life. Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling. And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen! |
You Are: 70% Dog, 30% Cat |  You and dogs definitely have a lot in common. You're both goofy, happy, and content with the small things in life. However, you're definitely not as needy as the average dog. You need your down time occasionally. |
Written on: Thursday, May 03, 2007 Time: 5:30 PM
My Poor Hammy
Time: 3:22 PM
I became real soft-hearted and freed an insect which my mum had just caught two-three days ago
Actually, there were two of them, one MOSQUITO and one other kind of insect(much bigger than the mosquito and its size should be slightly bigger than our last finger)
The other insect....still survived! But i see its not moving. I thought it died already but when i tapped the plastic container, it moved abit. STILL ALIVE MAN!
After three days, my heart suddenly felt sorry for it. I wanted to free it. LOL.
Why? Cos during the three days, i often check it up to see if it die already but its still alive. And when i watched it move, it look like STRUGGLING HARD to walk! Like an injured person trying to drag himself! And also no food to eat! Not enough oxygen to breathe! Not much room to move around! Look so POOR THING OK!
so today, i came back from school, i took the insect to free it outside.
I dunno why Im easily PITY OVER a small minor INSECT.
So i freed it outside the HDB flat. At the carpark where there got PLENTY of FRESH grass.
YEAH, so happy to see it get its FREEDOM. I understand how it feels to be FREE!
oh yes, somehting bad happen...
I have two hamsters
One of them is Hammy.
She injured her back right leg!! The leg at the back. Not the front.
It looks so bad
Cos she was limping each step she walk
Even when she tried to stand up to catch hold of the bars, it seemed so difficult for her cos she was like struggling so much to stand up properly!
I think cos she fell and somehow unluckily fell on her right side and injured her leg. I think she twisted her foot. I dunno if its her right leg or foot, cos when she walk, i could see that she was dragging that foot along! That foot cannot seem to move at all man! POOR THING!!!
I even thought of bringing her to the vet but what can the people do? Her leg or foot is SO SMALL, how to bandage like that??? I guess it will be a natural heal......POOR HAMMY! I can feel how she felt when she hurt her leg/foot! It must be very painful! Cos i sprained my foot once. POOR HAMMY!!!
POOR HAMMY! Lets hope she recovers! I dunno if i should still bring her to vet cos i still not sure if its serious when i look at it! sob.... =(Labels: HAMMY
Ida's BBQ at Changi Beach Park
Written on: Thursday, May 31, 2007 Time: 6:25 PM
Ida's BBQ at Changi Beach Park
Shit, why do I always have to be LATE??? I told myself so many times that "i will not be late... will not be late..."
In the end, STILL LATE! To think i can still take my own time and BATHE!
Anyway! I took a taxi to Pasir Ris MRT. Recieved calls from ivy and ida....
Especially from IVY (=_=)
" disappointed can!"
I know that...RELAX.
I finally reached Pasir Ris MRT, and frantically searched out for Ivy Lu.
I was feeling abit fustrated and calling her at the same time when two secondary boys or JC boys (cos of the uniform and their grown-up looks) suddenly approached me, asking me to donate for the FUNDS.
I was like "err no nono...!" and did not donate.
"I'm at Pasir Ris! Where you??"
"I'm also here!! Taxi stand?"
"I'm there but I don't see you!"
"Aiya, meet you at McDonald!"
When I went there, she still not there, even though she called to say she was already THERE. I was like HUH? How can???
IN THE END, Ivy said "Oh! Sorry! I'm at Tampines!"
No WONDER LAH. feel like laughing can. hahahaha!
So while waiting for her, I thought about those two boys back there who asked for donation. I felt like donating, now that I'm relieved and could wait. LOL! But I dunno why I felt abit nervous. Firstly, I rejected them and now I feel like going back again to donate. Dunno how they would react when they see me wanting to donate on second thought. I was about to take out a dollar and pluck up my courage to them when my eyes spotted Ivy in a taxi, waving.
( T__T ) I guess I'm not fated to donate. LOL. jk jk.
Saw Ida and her mother waiting for us!
And Ida's mother PAID the taxi fare! Really, THANK YOU!!
So yep, we had BBQ. We even met some of her neighbours.
We chatted and ate. They were very delicious to eat! BBQ CHICKENS....SATAY....FRIZZY DRINKS.... yeah i know I'll grow FAT one day! haha. Then went to cycling!!
Ida boasted that she could cycle very well but found out she was actually clumsy
When Ida led us the way to rent the bicycles, my god, its SO FAR...!! We walked and walked like ages. When I thought after we walked over a bridge, Ivy and I was like "Reach already? How come food court there?"
Ida said "No no, we still have to walk after food court, its over THERE"
WAH legs felt kinda tired! Ida even said "Exercise lah!"
FINALLY...we reached a bicycle stall. A pity that the bicycles don't have bells to ring and bucket to put our valuable things inside!
Next, we faced some obstacles! Like cycling over rocky and steepy ground. Like as if we were going through some AMAZING RACE (=_=) I think I almost freaked out when it was my turn to overcome them. LOL. It seemed SO DANGEROUS ok!!
Finally reached the BEACH....we spent two hours cycling and returning back to Ida's bbq place for rest and snacks. So here's some pictures during our cycling period! And our eating time!
OMG... Can you see my TUMMY popping out??? ARRRRGH!
GUESS WHAT I AM EATING? ida, what were you eating anyway? I forgot LOL!
     There was also another beach like that photo at Ida's bbq place but the water looked so dirty. We managed to find this nice and cleaner water somewhere else during our cycling period.
O yes, during our cyclings, we had to stop our bikes often cos' so many people keep blocking our ways. Moreover, our bikes did not have any bells to signal so we had to be extra careful especially when little kids dashed across the road.
 Ida paid for the bicycle rent....even the drinks wehad at food court.... Really, I wanted to pay you back but you say NO NEED. We must really treat you when its our turn! You even give us big batteries for our hearing aid for FREE. I feel like, you spend money on us and we get it for FREE. We have to treat you someday yeah!
Anyway, I had fun today! THANK YOU FOR THE DAY, IDA! I wanted to go home early cos I felt so tired, plus, I wanna watch the channel U show "BE STRONG GEUM SOON!"
Written on: Sunday, May 27, 2007 Time: 9:51 PM
I really somehow regretted being your friend.
I used to see you as my good friend after our broken bestie friendship
Because I thought that everything would be fine after we settled our problems and I thought we are old enough to solve matters like these.
But I was wrong.
Totally wrong.
There was one time, Miss Voon had a teacher-student chat with me, ivy and this girl after the assembly.
When Miss Voon happened to ask whether the three of us were good friends, I was like "Yes, we are" as I just wanted to make it straight foward and not let her know so much of our personal affairs
But know what this girl said to her directly? "No, JUST friend"
I was stunned ok!
I'm shocked that she would actually said her thought out straight to miss voon. I felt abit embarrassed. Firstly, i told miss voon we are good friends but after hearing that girl's word, miss voon was abit confused and was like looking at me and her!
I was like "nono, we are good friends. The three of us" and even forced a smile. I remembered Ivy also quickly added that we are also good friends so as to convince miss voon and not let her ask further questions.
Wah liao.
Then one time, this girl came over to my house to complete the rest of the english project. Then she was like telling me that she don't like ivy's attitude and jiayi's attitude. She was telling me her problems. But if she do so as if she still see me as her friend, then how does she explain about this big fat lie of hers about not going out on Saturday when in fact, she is actually FREE??? I can remember vividly that she told me she was not free when we were in the MRT train going home.
Wah liao, just what do you think I am? A machine which you can just tell your problems as you please and then, dump it when its of no use???
I really often feel you don't respect me as your friend.
Even dare roll your stupid eyes at me, giving me that unhappy face of yours whenever you faced me when i wanted to talk to you.
You know, i told myself i was really PLEASED that we are NO LONGER best friends. If i were still your best friend now, whoa, i'll be dead man. Killed by thousands piercing hateful words and stares by you!!!
URGH, i really getting sick of you man.
you cried and complained that ivy and i didn't talk to you
now we did, you still treat us like shit
what are we? Your ROBOT friends is it? Expect us to do this and that for you, erh?
I really want to slap you. My hands are itching for it!
Whenever i see you are down, i would try to talk to you and cheer you up, cos I really dunno what your recent problem is, and perhaps your problems is us, and as you said "nvm, its my problem" so i thought nvm, just try to talk to you as a friend
But as days goes by, i am starting to see the more in you and i found out your true colours..
Its really horrible. The ugly you.
I really don't know how i can ever say anything to convince you or anything.
Until now, you are still the same, in fact, becoming worse. You say you got so many problems, especially to us. Then, tell us lah! Why tell us this, then we thought its ur problem then later, you still the same, giving us the SHIT. WAH LIAO, JUST WHAT IS YOUR FREAKING DAMNED PROBLEM????
You want us to understand you, you have to UNDERSTAND YOURSELF FIRST!
Don't just blah blah your words at us, then in the end, its not true anymore!
really, i dun feel like seeing you as a friend.
Not even a friend, after seeing how you treat us.
dun feel like talking to you anymore!Labels: i really have enough of you
i felt so insulted as a hearing impaired....
Written on: Friday, May 25, 2007 Time: 9:25 PM
OH GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When i went inside the classroom, I saw MISS VOON and two spare seats for me and mum to sit down....i was like "OH MY GOSH....." I feel as i have to prepare myself to hear for the WORST or BETTER.....
In the end,
my class position is 31/37
And 47%....
failed three subjects and only passed 2 subjects....
Haiz, miss voon even mentioned to my mum that I talked too much and had not been paying attention in class. LOL!!
Anyway, Ivy, I asked miss voon about the subjetcs like Higher Music and Higher Art, its actually not for us, only for the better class, like those taking Higher Chinese.
And I also asked about the courses which Poly have
You know what? When I heard all these from my mum and miss voon
I felt so discouraged and utterly disappointed.
They said that art courses and music courses don't accept hearing impaired.
I was like "How can?? But i got flute course from outside, why can't i use it as a evidence during the interviews so that they can accept me in? What about art?? I got hands to draw!"
My mum even dare say "Its simply because you are a hearing impaired" Even Miss Voon agreed.
I was like so upset can. I tried not to show it but in my heart, i was already very disappointed. They say that we HI can only take other courses except art and music. Well, music, unfortunately, cannot be accepted for HI. No matter how we try to convince them, they will not accept us to enter music course. Simply cos we are HEARING IMPAIRED. For Art, most of them, are also not accepted for HI. My mum said that there could be a possible acception for HI for art, which is, few arts like Fashion and Interior Designs.
Fashion, is all about clothes. Interior Designs is all about furnitures, cardboards, making sulptures, and more, using your talented hands to design. There is also an Art which only requires hands, like drawing a big massive piece of art on the wall, like those in Art museum. I think its visual art? No? I'm not sure liao.
When my mother detailed them, i realised its extremely difficult. Fashion is hard. Really hard. So is Interior Design and "Visual Arts" (i dunno if it is really visual art but i'll just use it as example for "an art for HI people")
When on interviews for Fashion, you have to show a picture of your work on clothes, you have to analyse them, detail them, from length to length, what kind of material to use and why is such a material have to be used, and you must know how to sew and blah blah. Really hard. I dun even think I'm up to it.
Interior Design? Definetely not. I have not even learn such skills like that! Maybe my hands have no talent for doing such extreme manual work.
"Visual Art"?? I dunno. Its kinda similar to Interior Design; using hands.
Now, how about art like drawing cartoons? Like ZM's case
Its a no-no.
I mean is, when drawing animes, it also requires sound recording; media.
Art that works with media, will not accept HI. Just because of SOUND. Something to do with HEARING. It implies music too.
I really feel insulted. Not from my mum or miss voon. But those people who plan such rules like that. I really feel INSULTED. I was like "But you know, there is this hearing impaired girl, who is a xyophonist. She earns a living for that, i guess??" (Hauen should know about her, cos she is in the percussion band with her)
My mum said "Thats probably her personal hobby"
I was like "Then how about mine? isn't mine a personal hobby too? If she can do it, why can't I? Why won't the Polys give us a chance? its unfair!"
My mum said "Well, to be a musician, you need a music degree from university. Without a degree, you won't make it far as a musician"
Okay, at least university would probably accept us, but not polythenics. What the hell can.
Why? just cos we are hearing impaired, we are not allowed to take art or music course? How would they know when they don't even give us a chance?! Wah liao, another great disadvantage being a hearing impaired!!!
Why bother to take a course you don't enjoy? Why won't they let us take a course we enjoy? Its really unfair.
Just take it as a new learning skill from a new course? So what? Do you really enjoy it or not? How to put your heart and soul into a course you are not even interested in?? Wah liao, i just guess we have to get used to it..... and i hope there are other course which I'm slightly interested in and might consider to apply in, if im ever disqualified in art or music.Labels: ARGH.
Written on: Saturday, May 12, 2007 Time: 7:05 PM
You Are a Very Good Girl |  You are 90% Good and 10% Bad You're a perfect angel - almost impossibly so Don't you ever feel like being a little bad?!? |
You Should Be a Film Writer |  You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind. You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life. Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling. And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen! |
You Are: 70% Dog, 30% Cat |  You and dogs definitely have a lot in common. You're both goofy, happy, and content with the small things in life. However, you're definitely not as needy as the average dog. You need your down time occasionally. |
Written on: Thursday, May 03, 2007 Time: 5:30 PM
My Poor Hammy
Time: 3:22 PM
I became real soft-hearted and freed an insect which my mum had just caught two-three days ago
Actually, there were two of them, one MOSQUITO and one other kind of insect(much bigger than the mosquito and its size should be slightly bigger than our last finger)
The other insect....still survived! But i see its not moving. I thought it died already but when i tapped the plastic container, it moved abit. STILL ALIVE MAN!
After three days, my heart suddenly felt sorry for it. I wanted to free it. LOL.
Why? Cos during the three days, i often check it up to see if it die already but its still alive. And when i watched it move, it look like STRUGGLING HARD to walk! Like an injured person trying to drag himself! And also no food to eat! Not enough oxygen to breathe! Not much room to move around! Look so POOR THING OK!
so today, i came back from school, i took the insect to free it outside.
I dunno why Im easily PITY OVER a small minor INSECT.
So i freed it outside the HDB flat. At the carpark where there got PLENTY of FRESH grass.
YEAH, so happy to see it get its FREEDOM. I understand how it feels to be FREE!
oh yes, somehting bad happen...
I have two hamsters
One of them is Hammy.
She injured her back right leg!! The leg at the back. Not the front.
It looks so bad
Cos she was limping each step she walk
Even when she tried to stand up to catch hold of the bars, it seemed so difficult for her cos she was like struggling so much to stand up properly!
I think cos she fell and somehow unluckily fell on her right side and injured her leg. I think she twisted her foot. I dunno if its her right leg or foot, cos when she walk, i could see that she was dragging that foot along! That foot cannot seem to move at all man! POOR THING!!!
I even thought of bringing her to the vet but what can the people do? Her leg or foot is SO SMALL, how to bandage like that??? I guess it will be a natural heal......POOR HAMMY! I can feel how she felt when she hurt her leg/foot! It must be very painful! Cos i sprained my foot once. POOR HAMMY!!!
POOR HAMMY! Lets hope she recovers! I dunno if i should still bring her to vet cos i still not sure if its serious when i look at it! sob.... =(Labels: HAMMY
About me
Music and art lover
Anime fan
DBSK fan
1st year NYP student in Animation (Digital Media Design)
2) Currently doing ATCL (Associate Diploma from Trinity College London in Flute Performance)
The exam pieces are just getting harder! T_T
Music. Art. Shopping. Korean pop. American pop. Read comics.
Watch animes, korean dramas and western movies
Travelling. Outdoor sports (badminton and captainball) Play photoshop. Loves
japanese, western and korean food!
2010 Resolution
• Do well in my polytechnic
• Be more confident in what I am doing
Organize things properly T.T
Pass my flute ATCL Diploma
• Continue theory grade 6
Learn other musical instruments
My Goals
• Be a professional flautist
• Achieve a successful career
Chanying (BlogS)
Chanying (LiveJ)
Elean Ng
Hai Shi
Hau En
Hui Yiu
Ivy Lu
Jeanette Lim
Joe Eng
Victor Keng
Victor Phua
Wei Lie
Wei Ling
Zhou Meng
I seriously love anime since childhood. I always draws out the manga characters and once created my own story of "Legend of the Dragons" and a Pokemon comic book made of only A4 PAPERS! I was still so young at that time. I remembered vividly that I gave one of my created comic book to a female teacher I really admired in CCPS. HAHA!
Animes that I have watched (alphabetically)
I'm not going to insert Summary on the shows I have watched.
Lazy! Just by seeing the genres can roughly give you the idea
DN Angel
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic,
Romance, School
Full Metal Panic
Genre: Action, Comedy, Mecha, Sci-Fi
Inuyasha Season 1 - 7 / Inuyasha Final Act
(last season)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Shounen, Supernatural
Kimi Ni Todoke
Genre: Romance, School, Shoujo
Ouran High School Club
Genre: Comedy, Parody, School, Shoujo

School Rumble
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School, Slice of Life
Shakugan No Shana
Genre: Action, Comedy,
Drama, Fantasy, Romance, School, Supernatural

Special A
Comedy, Romance, School, Shoujo

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (The Wallflower)
Genre: Comedy, Shoujo