You will wonder why my blog often has a new layout while I don't often update my posts. HAHA. Lame erh? You see, this girl is always enjoying creating/modifying new layouts as a fun experience for herself! But I do update my blog once in a while!
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Icon: LJ/sixthmile
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery
life story fake on me!
Written on: Friday, June 15, 2007 Time: 6:14 PM
In case you ca't see...i shall read it out for you ONCE upon a time... there was a happy-go-lucky girl named Rachel. She had everything she wanted. Money, Fame, Friendship, Love and Education. She was a very cheerful high school girl whose studies were excellent and had never failed her parents. She was also loved by friends around her. See how happy she looks???
 ALAS!! One of her friends betrayed her and made everyone misunderstood her, thus, leaving her in the lurch. Soon, her studies were affected and her results got bad to wrose. Her parents even threatened to disown her if she did not buck up!!
 RACHEL decided to take revenge! Her heart was full of vengeance and she vowed to annihilate all evils who had betrayed her trust. Her eyes stared at you as if to warn you "You try to hurt me, you are so gonna wish you were never born!" muahahahahhaha..........
 Aha! She turned into a evil and plotted a very very very EVIL plan.... a crime which could not be forgiven.... even though she herself knew it. Lets ask her what she would do and why she still do it even though she knew?
 WE askL, rachel, what is your plan? Why you still wanna do it despite the consequences? RACHEL says: I'm gonna KILL her. That bitch deserves it. I'll show her who's the boss here! Well, Iknow how to destroy all evidences. You wait and see.....
HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!Labels: haha hahah hahaha
Troublemaker In My Dream
Written on: Thursday, June 14, 2007 Time: 4:23 PM
I DREAMT OF... VICTOR PHUA (ahem...the troublemaker!)
is that really VICTOR PHUA....??? mister PHUA?!?!
I woke up and shook my head. I still could not believe it. I should be dreaming of HERO Jaejoong and not that stupid brat!
STUPID BRAT. You are not my HERO. From dreaming of you, i can tell you ain't my SOULMATE!
Ho ho ho...!!!
Stupid brat, you are nothing but a TROUBLE MEAN BOY, always trying to RUIN my pretty dreams. Why the heck did I ever DREAM of you? No, its not a declaration of LOVE dream. ITS NOT AT ALL!!!
Relax, even if you are gonna read my blog one day, JUST RELAX. Its a DREAM. JUST a DREAM. You understand english right?? A DREAM! XD
AND... I AM JUST KIDDING ABOUT CALLING YOU NAMES. RELAX. You know WE are like that. BICKERING OVER USELESS STUFFS. HAHAH! What a wonderful childhood friendship we have! *cough!* *cough!*
Alright, what had that troublemaker been doing to me in my DREAM?
Lets start off with my FIRST DREAM.
I dreamt that I was in CSH. And I saw some teachers, some CSH students, me and victor in a room. We seemed to be having an important meeting. I forgot what we were wearing. Uniform or home clothes?? And as expected, MS HAN was like, the boss here. Announcing important rules. Then I noticed that my eyes spotted a girl, trying to whisper to me that she wanted to go to the toilet. I also felt like going toilet. Then somehow, I turned to Victor, who was standing beside me. I think i was trying to ask him something, i think like going to the toilet too.
But what? He ROLLED his EYES at me and turned his head away! Sure reminded me so well of that GIRL! That someone who lied.
Suddenly, he raised his hand to Ms Han and complained to her that we whispered and talked while she was talking! A typical primary school kid who would do the same thing like that! Ms Han was like, glaring at me and that girl who whsipered to me just now. Then, I felt so confident inside me and argued!
To my surprise, Ms Han scolded him more and made him stand outside. HAHA!!! I was like whoa, so easy meh?
Then I remembered Ms Han decided to dismiss us afterwards. Then as I was about to turn to the doll, there was this young male teacher, he looked somewhat like a guy who tried to act cool to make girls go awww over him.
He was like "Hey you. I know whats going on. You two talked about toilet right? You are in the wrong. You ought to admit your mistakes that you talked while the teacher was making an announcement. You got Victor into trouble. Now I want you to apologise to him and explain to Ms Han the truth"
I was like "Excuse me?? You claimed you saw us talking about toilet, right? We wanted to tell Ms Han to allow us to go to the washroom, thats why I asked Victor! So it will be like, three people needed the washroom, so Ms Han will allow us! If one person request it, I don't think she would allow it cos' its only one person! Plus, she would make one person wait, cos the rest are listening to her! Please don't jump to conclusion. You are a TEACHER. Why didn't you tell Ms Han since you saw it erh??"
He went "I'm a nice teacher. I want to give you a chance. Remember that time you were always late for school? How do you explain that? Its the same thing. Talking in class is also not allowed! You will still get punished nevertheless! I want you to say sorry to him and make sure you explain to Ms Han. I'll check on you later"
I wanted to argue again but no words seemed to come out from my mouth. That stupid male teacher gave a winning smile and walked off like a "cool" acting walk! I felt as if he tried to side his own kind! Like thinking girls are wrong and guys are always right!
The first dream caused me yet another scolding. Stupid Victor, anyhow spout nonsense to Ms Han. i was so angry man!
Suddenly, my dream skipped some parts and I found myself in another place. Looked more like in another school.
Suddenly, I found myself walking up the stairs, carrying a BIG HEAVY BAG. Wat the heck? How did that bad landed in my hands?!
I found myself walking up, pulling up the bag at the same thing. Suddenly, I saw Victor following me behind. WHAT IS HE DOING HERE AGAIN??
He was like "Let me help you"
He was like "I got a better idea. I am a guy, don't worry, I'm strong enough to throw this bag up and make sure it land on the ground up there"
Suddenly, I have this uneasy feeling that somethnig bad would happen. I tried to warn him but he used all his strength to throw the bag up.
Know what happen?
He threw it up, and the bag flew........all the way out of the window...and through the air....
I could see the bag flying away...........
I went out of the building and started searching for it. I turned and saw Victor still standing there, as though he was waiting for me to search and then, return. I was like' Whay ya standing here for?! You should help me look for it! YOU THREW IT LIKE SOME HERCULES! whats the hell wrong with you?!"
Suddenly, his expression seemed so different. Like a devil, PLEASED with the outcome! WTH!
I saw his true colors. I GIVE UP MAN. And I went off to search for it.
The rest, i can't remember what happened HAHA!
See, two dreams got me into trouble! All thanks to him! LOL!
Labels: idiot. i dunno why i like to call you that. haha
Written on: Sunday, June 10, 2007 Time: 5:43 PM
SIA. Jiayi and i went out to visit CSH. Actually, our purpose was to go there to buy batteries, as well as MY hearing aid check appointment.
Only Mr Wu and a few teachers were there. Jiayi went to look for Mr Kiew but Mr Wu told her that he left to ROME!!! I was like "ROME?! WHOAAA!"
Jiayi was so UPSET can. She even complained of him not informing her.
ROFL. I think jiayi loves mr kiew already. LOL!
Then we went to see Mr Hamid to buy batteries because...... you know what happened?
Well, MR LIM QUIT. yeah. QUIT.
dunno why. we never asked cos dun want to be busybody. so yep. All we know that he went somewhere else to work. SIGH. No more free rides from him! =(
Anyway, after that, I thougt we can go to Bugis already but found out Jiayi still wanna stay at computer room where Mr Wu always work there. She wanna play COMPUTER. (T_T) I also lah. Hahahah.
After a while, we go to BUGIS!! NEOPRINTS.
I was waiting for Jiayi to walk inside the neoprint when I moved my seat away for Jiayi to sit until I did not realise I moved aside too much and my butt slip from the seat and I almost fell on the floor!! Jiayi was laughing so much CAN. VERY SILLY OF ME. Don't even realise! After CHEEZIE SMILIES, we went to the computer thing to decorate our neoprints. But found out the pens were LOUSY!!! Jiayi's pen was the worse. Cannot even press on the screen to make the ink come out. HAHAH!! Jiayi was like so shocked and went "wat the hell??!??!"
She called the lady to come over. So the lady helped to show her how to make the ink come out from that spoiled pen. My pen was quite okay but I had dificulty writing words. My pen was also abit spoilt. HAAIZ. I felt its so bad luck for us (T_T) In the end, we did not even finish our work yet!
WAT THE HECK! The screen flashed on us as if to say "OK TIME'S UP! THATS ENOUGH, LADIES" Jiayi's face was like "ERH?! I'M NOT DONE YET!! WAH LIAO!!" LMAO. really, jiayi, your face expression is so dramatic. LOL.
When it came to choosing how many stickers we wanted for two persons, I ended up choosing the 16 pieces. Jiayi was like "No no, use the 12 blah blah" But i was like "Noo nooo. Its this! Im sure!" I was like SO CONFIDENT of my "maths"
In the end, I found out that 16 stickers was we had four extra same pictures of our face. Jiayi was like showing disappointed face. OK SORRRYYYY, I CHOSE WRONGLLLYYYY!! So I made excuses like "Nevermind lah! You can use this to paste on your album, and the extra one can be pasted somewhere else! At least its good to have extra mah!" LOL. xD
Then we had KFC for lunch. Jiayi is really man-crazy. She looked at a guy who is taking down our order and she went "omg! so cute!! dashing!" She even tell me not to sign language at her when we talked infront of him. I was like "aiya, watever lah" Jiayi arh!
Then I ordered what we wanted. Then I thought jiayi already saw me ordering for us but I saw jiayi go and say "One of this filet fish meal"
I was like "Erh? Why you order again? I already ordered..blah blah"
The guy was like looking at us, confused. After Jiayi heard me, she was like, talking to the guy "Oh, so this....this meal and this meal?"
The guy replied "Ah yes, er, one french fries and one fish fillet meal. Is it?"
Jiayi was like yeah yeah and nodding her head. When that guy left, she say she feel so embarassed because of me and even said I ruined her conversation with that guy. I was like WHY ME? WHAT DID I DO? ERH? THAT GUY MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME ARH? You scared me so much! Saying to that guy "I WANT THIS FISH FILLET MEAL" like as if you are ordering that meal again, so i wanted to tell you that I already ordered but you seemed like "Rachel! RELAX!! I want to talk to him! I know wat to do!"
Plus, I am paying the meal for you because you paid for me the neoprints. But you answered like as if i have to pay extra again. LOL!!!
Ok, then we ate. After that, we checked the time, still got time so we took lots of PICUTRES of us at the staircase!!! HAHA.


 JIAYI, LOOK AT YOU. YOU WALKED LIKE SO GRACEFULLY. LOLS Jiayi, you seemed so happy. Trying to escape from Heaven behind you arh?

HAHA. Yeah, that girl is ME!!!
In An Alter-Dimension
Written on: Saturday, June 02, 2007 Time: 6:39 PM
Title: In An Alter-Dimension Friday Night, 1 June 2007
Last night, I had a really weird, yet fantasy dream. Read it if you want, but my dream is really like a short story. QUITE INTERESTING!!! It won't take so much of your time! I even drew some pictures to let you know what I'm talking about! And Im not creating stories. Really, it all came from my DREAM! And I don't know why I can still remember so well even though I woke up. I even dreamt of HERO there!!!!! Take ur time to read...have patience....
First, I dreamt that I attended Annette's birthday! Somehow, I dreamt that I saw alot of hearing impaired friends there, like Ida, Jack, Ivy, Johnson, Hauen, Jiayi, Aloysius and more. Even Annette was there.
Suddenly, I found myself in a shopping mall with all them, and i was in a stall. It looked like a shop that sells furniture polishing equipments.
Then Ida and I was browsing them when I asked her what to buy for Annette. Then Jack approached me and went joking "Buy her that!" as he pointed at a bottle jar which reads "Polisher....blah blah... Gives off a good IMAGE"
"Image" as in referring for Annette to boost her image. I was like (=_=)""
All of a sudden, my dream skipped some parts and made me find out that Annette's party had ended. So, I found myself walking home with a mysterious girl beside me. I could not see her face as it was blurry but I remembered that her hair was blonde in colour and she had a short girl-like hair. Her clothings looked like turquoise colouring dress, like that of a doll's dress. She seemed shorter than me and looked slightly younger. As I turned my head, I noticed that we were strolling towards a DEEP FOREST!
It did not look scary. The trucks of the trees looked fat and big. The leaves looked evergreen and the scenery really looked beautiful.
I found myself standing as my eyes stared at that mysterious girl waving at me and slowly walked into the forest, leaving me behind. My thought told me that both of us were going home and her home could probably be within that forest. Yet, my heart pounded. How could a girl like her live in such a place?? What if something happened to her on the way? I ended up following her and I was like shouting at her to come back. Unfortunately, she did not seem to hear me and continued walking further and further where the darkness ahead awaited her.
 I think when I somehow reached there, with a blink, I already found myself in a different dimension. I saw weird looking people, although they looked so blurrrrrr!!! Yet I thought I could tell that they are somewhat goblins. LOL! Everything seemed like a fantasy world, like Final Fantasy, the game. Then somehow I saw that there were few people like me, landed in this weird place! They are humans.Then they were like telling me that I was one of the unlucky people, like themselves, to land in this dimension. Then the goblins were talking to me, saying that I should help them and join the PLAN.Those two creatures are the "goblins"
WHAT PLAN?!?!? I can still remember that it was a rather a STUPID PLAN! It was like putting as many rocks as we could on the water so that we could walk over to the other side of the land, which is facing opposite us, and the water was playing a part as a barrier to prevent us from going over. There was no bridge too. I was like, why can't we build a BOAT instead?! Too bad there were no trees, and the trees were grown OUTSIDE of this isolated extremely SMALL island I had landed on.I looked up and saw that the trees had grown in such a way that they formed a circle, creating a big hole which revealed the blue sky above. I see no birds. Maybe no animals here!!! I also noticed there was a big CABIN floating on the water. Like a SHIP.Suddenly, I found myself walking up to that cabin to do something.. Guess what? GO TO THE TOILET.AND MY LEGS SEEMED TO BE PULLING ME TO THE GENTS!!!GENTS?? I tried to pull back but my legs looked as if they were under control and just dragged me! Wat the hell. In there, OMG! I SAW HERO!!! HERO JAEJOONG!!!!!!! But he had a weird clothings. He wore like a haft prince, haft hunter clothings. BUT HE LOOKED SO AWESOME AND HOT! Like a hero rescuing me!!! He looked up at me and SMILED!! And then left. Wait, how could he just SMIL E? Didn't he see me entering in the GENTS? I AM A GIRL! What the heck? But I feel I can't think anymore as I really wanted to go to the toilet. While I was haftway done with my thing, the cabin suddenly shook with great impact. What the hell, an earthquake had occured! I was like stopping, pulling my pants up and rushed out of the toilet, complaining of not finishing up my thing! URGH!! Then I saw some "goblins" and Hero rushing towards me. They were like asking me if I was alright. One of the "goblins" even told me that this land we were living, would collaspe one day, all caused by the earthquake so that was why they had to plan to do something to move over to the other land, where that water prevented us and so, we would not have to die. That goblin even mentioned that there was a rumour that there lived a goddness on that other land. If we find her, she might grant any wishes we want. I was like so excited can. I wanted her to grant my wish to bring me back to where I belong!! Well, the rest, I slightly forgot but i did remembered helping them and Hero was in my TEAM! REALLY! ITS TRUE! Then I can only remember that we finally crossed over the water and reached the new land. As for the goddness and my wish to return back to where I belong, I dunno what happened cos my dream ended there....ALL THANKS TO THAT STUPID ALARM CLOCK THAT VIBRATES ON MY BED!!! ARGH!!!!! I wonder what happened to Hero??? Labels: unbelieveable fantasy story
life story fake on me!
Written on: Friday, June 15, 2007 Time: 6:14 PM
In case you ca't see...i shall read it out for you ONCE upon a time... there was a happy-go-lucky girl named Rachel. She had everything she wanted. Money, Fame, Friendship, Love and Education. She was a very cheerful high school girl whose studies were excellent and had never failed her parents. She was also loved by friends around her. See how happy she looks???
 ALAS!! One of her friends betrayed her and made everyone misunderstood her, thus, leaving her in the lurch. Soon, her studies were affected and her results got bad to wrose. Her parents even threatened to disown her if she did not buck up!!
 RACHEL decided to take revenge! Her heart was full of vengeance and she vowed to annihilate all evils who had betrayed her trust. Her eyes stared at you as if to warn you "You try to hurt me, you are so gonna wish you were never born!" muahahahahhaha..........
 Aha! She turned into a evil and plotted a very very very EVIL plan.... a crime which could not be forgiven.... even though she herself knew it. Lets ask her what she would do and why she still do it even though she knew?
 WE askL, rachel, what is your plan? Why you still wanna do it despite the consequences? RACHEL says: I'm gonna KILL her. That bitch deserves it. I'll show her who's the boss here! Well, Iknow how to destroy all evidences. You wait and see.....
HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!Labels: haha hahah hahaha
Troublemaker In My Dream
Written on: Thursday, June 14, 2007 Time: 4:23 PM
I DREAMT OF... VICTOR PHUA (ahem...the troublemaker!)
is that really VICTOR PHUA....??? mister PHUA?!?!
I woke up and shook my head. I still could not believe it. I should be dreaming of HERO Jaejoong and not that stupid brat!
STUPID BRAT. You are not my HERO. From dreaming of you, i can tell you ain't my SOULMATE!
Ho ho ho...!!!
Stupid brat, you are nothing but a TROUBLE MEAN BOY, always trying to RUIN my pretty dreams. Why the heck did I ever DREAM of you? No, its not a declaration of LOVE dream. ITS NOT AT ALL!!!
Relax, even if you are gonna read my blog one day, JUST RELAX. Its a DREAM. JUST a DREAM. You understand english right?? A DREAM! XD
AND... I AM JUST KIDDING ABOUT CALLING YOU NAMES. RELAX. You know WE are like that. BICKERING OVER USELESS STUFFS. HAHAH! What a wonderful childhood friendship we have! *cough!* *cough!*
Alright, what had that troublemaker been doing to me in my DREAM?
Lets start off with my FIRST DREAM.
I dreamt that I was in CSH. And I saw some teachers, some CSH students, me and victor in a room. We seemed to be having an important meeting. I forgot what we were wearing. Uniform or home clothes?? And as expected, MS HAN was like, the boss here. Announcing important rules. Then I noticed that my eyes spotted a girl, trying to whisper to me that she wanted to go to the toilet. I also felt like going toilet. Then somehow, I turned to Victor, who was standing beside me. I think i was trying to ask him something, i think like going to the toilet too.
But what? He ROLLED his EYES at me and turned his head away! Sure reminded me so well of that GIRL! That someone who lied.
Suddenly, he raised his hand to Ms Han and complained to her that we whispered and talked while she was talking! A typical primary school kid who would do the same thing like that! Ms Han was like, glaring at me and that girl who whsipered to me just now. Then, I felt so confident inside me and argued!
To my surprise, Ms Han scolded him more and made him stand outside. HAHA!!! I was like whoa, so easy meh?
Then I remembered Ms Han decided to dismiss us afterwards. Then as I was about to turn to the doll, there was this young male teacher, he looked somewhat like a guy who tried to act cool to make girls go awww over him.
He was like "Hey you. I know whats going on. You two talked about toilet right? You are in the wrong. You ought to admit your mistakes that you talked while the teacher was making an announcement. You got Victor into trouble. Now I want you to apologise to him and explain to Ms Han the truth"
I was like "Excuse me?? You claimed you saw us talking about toilet, right? We wanted to tell Ms Han to allow us to go to the washroom, thats why I asked Victor! So it will be like, three people needed the washroom, so Ms Han will allow us! If one person request it, I don't think she would allow it cos' its only one person! Plus, she would make one person wait, cos the rest are listening to her! Please don't jump to conclusion. You are a TEACHER. Why didn't you tell Ms Han since you saw it erh??"
He went "I'm a nice teacher. I want to give you a chance. Remember that time you were always late for school? How do you explain that? Its the same thing. Talking in class is also not allowed! You will still get punished nevertheless! I want you to say sorry to him and make sure you explain to Ms Han. I'll check on you later"
I wanted to argue again but no words seemed to come out from my mouth. That stupid male teacher gave a winning smile and walked off like a "cool" acting walk! I felt as if he tried to side his own kind! Like thinking girls are wrong and guys are always right!
The first dream caused me yet another scolding. Stupid Victor, anyhow spout nonsense to Ms Han. i was so angry man!
Suddenly, my dream skipped some parts and I found myself in another place. Looked more like in another school.
Suddenly, I found myself walking up the stairs, carrying a BIG HEAVY BAG. Wat the heck? How did that bad landed in my hands?!
I found myself walking up, pulling up the bag at the same thing. Suddenly, I saw Victor following me behind. WHAT IS HE DOING HERE AGAIN??
He was like "Let me help you"
He was like "I got a better idea. I am a guy, don't worry, I'm strong enough to throw this bag up and make sure it land on the ground up there"
Suddenly, I have this uneasy feeling that somethnig bad would happen. I tried to warn him but he used all his strength to throw the bag up.
Know what happen?
He threw it up, and the bag flew........all the way out of the window...and through the air....
I could see the bag flying away...........
I went out of the building and started searching for it. I turned and saw Victor still standing there, as though he was waiting for me to search and then, return. I was like' Whay ya standing here for?! You should help me look for it! YOU THREW IT LIKE SOME HERCULES! whats the hell wrong with you?!"
Suddenly, his expression seemed so different. Like a devil, PLEASED with the outcome! WTH!
I saw his true colors. I GIVE UP MAN. And I went off to search for it.
The rest, i can't remember what happened HAHA!
See, two dreams got me into trouble! All thanks to him! LOL!
Labels: idiot. i dunno why i like to call you that. haha
Written on: Sunday, June 10, 2007 Time: 5:43 PM
SIA. Jiayi and i went out to visit CSH. Actually, our purpose was to go there to buy batteries, as well as MY hearing aid check appointment.
Only Mr Wu and a few teachers were there. Jiayi went to look for Mr Kiew but Mr Wu told her that he left to ROME!!! I was like "ROME?! WHOAAA!"
Jiayi was so UPSET can. She even complained of him not informing her.
ROFL. I think jiayi loves mr kiew already. LOL!
Then we went to see Mr Hamid to buy batteries because...... you know what happened?
Well, MR LIM QUIT. yeah. QUIT.
dunno why. we never asked cos dun want to be busybody. so yep. All we know that he went somewhere else to work. SIGH. No more free rides from him! =(
Anyway, after that, I thougt we can go to Bugis already but found out Jiayi still wanna stay at computer room where Mr Wu always work there. She wanna play COMPUTER. (T_T) I also lah. Hahahah.
After a while, we go to BUGIS!! NEOPRINTS.
I was waiting for Jiayi to walk inside the neoprint when I moved my seat away for Jiayi to sit until I did not realise I moved aside too much and my butt slip from the seat and I almost fell on the floor!! Jiayi was laughing so much CAN. VERY SILLY OF ME. Don't even realise! After CHEEZIE SMILIES, we went to the computer thing to decorate our neoprints. But found out the pens were LOUSY!!! Jiayi's pen was the worse. Cannot even press on the screen to make the ink come out. HAHAH!! Jiayi was like so shocked and went "wat the hell??!??!"
She called the lady to come over. So the lady helped to show her how to make the ink come out from that spoiled pen. My pen was quite okay but I had dificulty writing words. My pen was also abit spoilt. HAAIZ. I felt its so bad luck for us (T_T) In the end, we did not even finish our work yet!
WAT THE HECK! The screen flashed on us as if to say "OK TIME'S UP! THATS ENOUGH, LADIES" Jiayi's face was like "ERH?! I'M NOT DONE YET!! WAH LIAO!!" LMAO. really, jiayi, your face expression is so dramatic. LOL.
When it came to choosing how many stickers we wanted for two persons, I ended up choosing the 16 pieces. Jiayi was like "No no, use the 12 blah blah" But i was like "Noo nooo. Its this! Im sure!" I was like SO CONFIDENT of my "maths"
In the end, I found out that 16 stickers was we had four extra same pictures of our face. Jiayi was like showing disappointed face. OK SORRRYYYY, I CHOSE WRONGLLLYYYY!! So I made excuses like "Nevermind lah! You can use this to paste on your album, and the extra one can be pasted somewhere else! At least its good to have extra mah!" LOL. xD
Then we had KFC for lunch. Jiayi is really man-crazy. She looked at a guy who is taking down our order and she went "omg! so cute!! dashing!" She even tell me not to sign language at her when we talked infront of him. I was like "aiya, watever lah" Jiayi arh!
Then I ordered what we wanted. Then I thought jiayi already saw me ordering for us but I saw jiayi go and say "One of this filet fish meal"
I was like "Erh? Why you order again? I already ordered..blah blah"
The guy was like looking at us, confused. After Jiayi heard me, she was like, talking to the guy "Oh, so this....this meal and this meal?"
The guy replied "Ah yes, er, one french fries and one fish fillet meal. Is it?"
Jiayi was like yeah yeah and nodding her head. When that guy left, she say she feel so embarassed because of me and even said I ruined her conversation with that guy. I was like WHY ME? WHAT DID I DO? ERH? THAT GUY MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME ARH? You scared me so much! Saying to that guy "I WANT THIS FISH FILLET MEAL" like as if you are ordering that meal again, so i wanted to tell you that I already ordered but you seemed like "Rachel! RELAX!! I want to talk to him! I know wat to do!"
Plus, I am paying the meal for you because you paid for me the neoprints. But you answered like as if i have to pay extra again. LOL!!!
Ok, then we ate. After that, we checked the time, still got time so we took lots of PICUTRES of us at the staircase!!! HAHA.


 JIAYI, LOOK AT YOU. YOU WALKED LIKE SO GRACEFULLY. LOLS Jiayi, you seemed so happy. Trying to escape from Heaven behind you arh?

HAHA. Yeah, that girl is ME!!!
In An Alter-Dimension
Written on: Saturday, June 02, 2007 Time: 6:39 PM
Title: In An Alter-Dimension Friday Night, 1 June 2007
Last night, I had a really weird, yet fantasy dream. Read it if you want, but my dream is really like a short story. QUITE INTERESTING!!! It won't take so much of your time! I even drew some pictures to let you know what I'm talking about! And Im not creating stories. Really, it all came from my DREAM! And I don't know why I can still remember so well even though I woke up. I even dreamt of HERO there!!!!! Take ur time to read...have patience....
First, I dreamt that I attended Annette's birthday! Somehow, I dreamt that I saw alot of hearing impaired friends there, like Ida, Jack, Ivy, Johnson, Hauen, Jiayi, Aloysius and more. Even Annette was there.
Suddenly, I found myself in a shopping mall with all them, and i was in a stall. It looked like a shop that sells furniture polishing equipments.
Then Ida and I was browsing them when I asked her what to buy for Annette. Then Jack approached me and went joking "Buy her that!" as he pointed at a bottle jar which reads "Polisher....blah blah... Gives off a good IMAGE"
"Image" as in referring for Annette to boost her image. I was like (=_=)""
All of a sudden, my dream skipped some parts and made me find out that Annette's party had ended. So, I found myself walking home with a mysterious girl beside me. I could not see her face as it was blurry but I remembered that her hair was blonde in colour and she had a short girl-like hair. Her clothings looked like turquoise colouring dress, like that of a doll's dress. She seemed shorter than me and looked slightly younger. As I turned my head, I noticed that we were strolling towards a DEEP FOREST!
It did not look scary. The trucks of the trees looked fat and big. The leaves looked evergreen and the scenery really looked beautiful.
I found myself standing as my eyes stared at that mysterious girl waving at me and slowly walked into the forest, leaving me behind. My thought told me that both of us were going home and her home could probably be within that forest. Yet, my heart pounded. How could a girl like her live in such a place?? What if something happened to her on the way? I ended up following her and I was like shouting at her to come back. Unfortunately, she did not seem to hear me and continued walking further and further where the darkness ahead awaited her.
 I think when I somehow reached there, with a blink, I already found myself in a different dimension. I saw weird looking people, although they looked so blurrrrrr!!! Yet I thought I could tell that they are somewhat goblins. LOL! Everything seemed like a fantasy world, like Final Fantasy, the game. Then somehow I saw that there were few people like me, landed in this weird place! They are humans.Then they were like telling me that I was one of the unlucky people, like themselves, to land in this dimension. Then the goblins were talking to me, saying that I should help them and join the PLAN.Those two creatures are the "goblins"
WHAT PLAN?!?!? I can still remember that it was a rather a STUPID PLAN! It was like putting as many rocks as we could on the water so that we could walk over to the other side of the land, which is facing opposite us, and the water was playing a part as a barrier to prevent us from going over. There was no bridge too. I was like, why can't we build a BOAT instead?! Too bad there were no trees, and the trees were grown OUTSIDE of this isolated extremely SMALL island I had landed on.I looked up and saw that the trees had grown in such a way that they formed a circle, creating a big hole which revealed the blue sky above. I see no birds. Maybe no animals here!!! I also noticed there was a big CABIN floating on the water. Like a SHIP.Suddenly, I found myself walking up to that cabin to do something.. Guess what? GO TO THE TOILET.AND MY LEGS SEEMED TO BE PULLING ME TO THE GENTS!!!GENTS?? I tried to pull back but my legs looked as if they were under control and just dragged me! Wat the hell. In there, OMG! I SAW HERO!!! HERO JAEJOONG!!!!!!! But he had a weird clothings. He wore like a haft prince, haft hunter clothings. BUT HE LOOKED SO AWESOME AND HOT! Like a hero rescuing me!!! He looked up at me and SMILED!! And then left. Wait, how could he just SMIL E? Didn't he see me entering in the GENTS? I AM A GIRL! What the heck? But I feel I can't think anymore as I really wanted to go to the toilet. While I was haftway done with my thing, the cabin suddenly shook with great impact. What the hell, an earthquake had occured! I was like stopping, pulling my pants up and rushed out of the toilet, complaining of not finishing up my thing! URGH!! Then I saw some "goblins" and Hero rushing towards me. They were like asking me if I was alright. One of the "goblins" even told me that this land we were living, would collaspe one day, all caused by the earthquake so that was why they had to plan to do something to move over to the other land, where that water prevented us and so, we would not have to die. That goblin even mentioned that there was a rumour that there lived a goddness on that other land. If we find her, she might grant any wishes we want. I was like so excited can. I wanted her to grant my wish to bring me back to where I belong!! Well, the rest, I slightly forgot but i did remembered helping them and Hero was in my TEAM! REALLY! ITS TRUE! Then I can only remember that we finally crossed over the water and reached the new land. As for the goddness and my wish to return back to where I belong, I dunno what happened cos my dream ended there....ALL THANKS TO THAT STUPID ALARM CLOCK THAT VIBRATES ON MY BED!!! ARGH!!!!! I wonder what happened to Hero??? Labels: unbelieveable fantasy story
About me
Music and art lover
Anime fan
DBSK fan
1st year NYP student in Animation (Digital Media Design)
2) Currently doing ATCL (Associate Diploma from Trinity College London in Flute Performance)
The exam pieces are just getting harder! T_T
Music. Art. Shopping. Korean pop. American pop. Read comics.
Watch animes, korean dramas and western movies
Travelling. Outdoor sports (badminton and captainball) Play photoshop. Loves
japanese, western and korean food!
2010 Resolution
• Do well in my polytechnic
• Be more confident in what I am doing
Organize things properly T.T
Pass my flute ATCL Diploma
• Continue theory grade 6
Learn other musical instruments
My Goals
• Be a professional flautist
• Achieve a successful career
Chanying (BlogS)
Chanying (LiveJ)
Elean Ng
Hai Shi
Hau En
Hui Yiu
Ivy Lu
Jeanette Lim
Joe Eng
Victor Keng
Victor Phua
Wei Lie
Wei Ling
Zhou Meng
I seriously love anime since childhood. I always draws out the manga characters and once created my own story of "Legend of the Dragons" and a Pokemon comic book made of only A4 PAPERS! I was still so young at that time. I remembered vividly that I gave one of my created comic book to a female teacher I really admired in CCPS. HAHA!
Animes that I have watched (alphabetically)
I'm not going to insert Summary on the shows I have watched.
Lazy! Just by seeing the genres can roughly give you the idea
DN Angel
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic,
Romance, School
Full Metal Panic
Genre: Action, Comedy, Mecha, Sci-Fi
Inuyasha Season 1 - 7 / Inuyasha Final Act
(last season)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Shounen, Supernatural
Kimi Ni Todoke
Genre: Romance, School, Shoujo
Ouran High School Club
Genre: Comedy, Parody, School, Shoujo

School Rumble
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School, Slice of Life
Shakugan No Shana
Genre: Action, Comedy,
Drama, Fantasy, Romance, School, Supernatural

Special A
Comedy, Romance, School, Shoujo

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (The Wallflower)
Genre: Comedy, Shoujo