You will wonder why my blog often has a new layout while I don't often update my posts. HAHA. Lame erh? You see, this girl is always enjoying creating/modifying new layouts as a fun experience for herself! But I do update my blog once in a while!
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Icon: LJ/sixthmile
Layout: tuesdaynight
Inspiration: DayBefore!Misery
korean addict again
Written on: Sunday, April 26, 2009 Time: 11:47 PM
Not Boys Over Flowers (BOF)
And i haven't even complete all the BOF episodes. It will be on hiatus till I finish Get Karl! episodes as the total is only 16 eps (:
Oh gosh, one show after another. Actually.... Before watching Get Karl!, I was watching Likeable or Not haftway. LOL!
I'm so addicted to korean drama alright! =.=
In addition, I still have my list of animes, waiting for me to continue watching the ongoing episodes. HEHE :D
Today, in the late afternoon, I attended music theory lesson. My teacher went through an exercise on Perfect, Imperfect, Plague and Interuppted Cadence to fill in the chords for the Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass (positions for a choir)
Wah liao, getting harder lah. I was like ZZZZ here and there, and wished that I was at home right now watching my current korean drama and chatting online.
Chanying and I were like "reminding" at each other to make ourselves go to bed, yet none of us made the move.
Anyway, I will be having Camp Corri on the 28th - 30th April (Tuesday to Thursday), and I am SO NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. To heck with seminar or whatever talks at school for the whole day =/
the good thing is, after thursday, is FRIDAY'S LABOUR DAY!!!
Praise the Lord for the change in the Camp Corri's day setting!
captainball fun!
Written on: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Time: 11:38 PM
Last Tuesday, I had my 2.4km run.
It was my first time not stopping even once for a walk.
I just ran and ran.
Along with Ivy. I wanted to stop but when I saw her running and not stopping, I also pushed myself harder. She also felt the same way. Hahaha.
While I was at the first route, I saw Diyana, Joyce, Chanying and Janice at the second route, on their way to the finishing line! Hahaha, we jiayou each other as we past.
We ran. From the start all the way to the finishing line
At first, Weiling was much faster than us! PRO MAN. Ivy and I ran at constant speed. While we were running. we saw Weiling up ahead. She was already tired and walking =.=
We said JIAYOU and ran off leaving her behind. LOL. She was damn tired. All her energy had been used up. lol.
After I past by the finishing line, I was breathing SOOO HARD for air! My heart kept pounding rapidly. So exhausted man. But after about 2 mins, I suddenly felt better. Quite fast. I felt that this year 2.4km run was much better than the past four years. Not because of not stopping once. I think it was because of the age. The time shorten as you get older.
After the 2.4km, all of us (HI girls sec 1,2,3,4,5) gathered somewhere where we placed our bags there. Some of us played on the see-saw. It reminds me of my childhood days! AHH, HOW I MISSED THOSE INNOCENT TIMES WHEN I WAS YOUNGER! FREE AND HAPPY! =.=
After roughly 2 hours, we all went home together ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TODAY (WEDNESDAY) I had captainball game at Tampines!
SO FUN! We laughed so much and played here and there like mad.
But some of us had injuries.
Chanying's finger was still hurting even since last year's sport camp. Poor her.
Ivy and I crashed onto each other while looking at that stupid ball.
Then Janice and Layling. Janice's butt or hips got hurt while Layling's lower jaw knocked on Janice's butt/hips.
Aiyo =.=
After spending 3 hours there, we all went home. The rest of us went to tampines mall while weiling and ivy went back.
Spent sometimes there and I left earlier as I had tuition at 8pm and I had to hurry home for dinner. My brain was so tired after one and a haft hour of math session =.= AHHHHHH
Anni even planned to go East Coast Park one of the days at June...................
I was like =.= Im definetely not going.
I already felt so bad going out often for the past few months already. I sometimes did not have time for self-study as I had other things to do. OMG LAH. Even now i am still going out. For example, to the church, Dgen band etc. But it shouldn't be too bad now because that was only for weekends.
"sunless" sunday
Written on: Sunday, April 19, 2009 Time: 10:53 PM
"I hate sunday, because tomorrow is monday"
It gives me the feeling of exploring in a tropical forest.
I was the one who capture this moment! HAHAHA!
Anyway, yesterday (Saturday) I went to Hauen's church for the service
I'm so impressed by the drama based on the topic we learned at the service!!
I should bring popcorn next time
But most importantly, I have learned many things from there.
The marriage, career, how to balance them etc etc.
After that, WING, a taiwanese singer was invited by CHC to perform
He als shared with us his experiences with Christ.
There's one time he spent four years and still had no idea what to write a song (he is a songwriter)
Then, i forgot what experience he went through that made him accept Christ
When he accepted Christ shortly after that or maybe longer than that, one day, an idea struck him.
He was speaking in chinese so yeah, Hauen's cellgroup leader, Huimei explained to me but my right ear's hearing was profound so it was kinda hard to catch some words but nevermind =.=
So, he was able to compose and many people love his songs.......
I wish DBSK was there instead.
After that, had dinner, then had bible salvation study for an hour.
Alamak, somehow something triggers me and makes me laugh. Dorothy's "lah lor lah" speaking sounds funny. Then Huimei took over. Somehow there, we both ended up laughing at dunno what thing. I think i was the one who started first. For Sap, I dunno if he saw what happened cos he was quite "out" of the gathering. Er, i dunno how to elaborate it lah. Damn quiet guy.
Okay, call me weird. I am indeed weird sometimes
Ayio, i think i was influenced by that CRAZY laughters I had with Ivy when we were imitating DBSK's songs
it was so hilarious that we both "rock" our body so much. Even had tears of laughters. It was really funny. Even diyana already laughed so hard when we showed her some part of it. =.=
Man, I should control my laugh. No, i wasn't laughing at the bible study. How can laugh about it right? It was other stuffs.
Closed. Went home together.
Actually, during the service, I kinda miss my friends. Would be great if you were around.
HAHA, cos im used to being with you guys more (: MISS YOU!
SKIP! =.=
Went for music lessons.
Then met Hauen at City hall.
She accompanied me to take photos for my Art coursework.
Kinda boring cos it was like, I had to act like someone who LOVES nature so much.
Anyway, not gonna put my photos here. They are meant for my art!
Actually I will, but only some and not now. I gotta sleep now.
School tomorrow
i understand now..
Written on: Friday, April 17, 2009 Time: 3:51 PM
That same person, Ivy, whom I asked about the question beside others, today, at school, after hearing her words, I started to understand better. Its quite a long post because we had been talking about it for almost an hour? I think it should be less than that.
She said this: You think just becoming a christian and doing good things, you will immediately go to heaven? No such thing, if that happens, then everyone will do the same thing. Then everything will be perfect. Then Heaven will be so crowded. Once you die, you are dead already. Why must still care which one to go even after your death? You can't feel any pain after you already die.
Jiayi once told me about the rules of Hell in her buddhist side. Like the torturous methods, and even the 18 levels of Hell. I don't believe in it because how could those people who first made that rule of Hell, find out about it? HOW did they find out? We don't know at all! Who knows they might be making up stories so that it will scare you and make you do good things for your own good?
If you don't believe in God, you will go to hell? Where got such thing? Then that means if I don't wear this shirt because I don't want to, I go to hell arh? I don't even think there must be hell and heaven. But if you go to hell, go to hell lah. If you go to heaven, go to heaven lah. Its destiny. How to change when you die? Same goes for me too cos everyone will die in the end mah.
The purpose of going to church is to learn more about God, not to force yourself to believe him just so that you can go to heaven.
If you think God can do everything for you, then we might as well don't need to study. Just pray to God for good results, thats all. I once did that when I was young, I keep praying, never study. Then exams came, I keep failing.. Thats why its best to believe in yourself and not God because if you don't, even God can't help you. Thats why when you can believe in yourself, you start to believe in God in same way.
God is more of a miracle. There's one time my family, my relatives and I could not find a taxi from an airport (I don't know which country; here or m'sia) and it was very late, like around 2am plus. No taxi sign at all. We took really long to find one. Then we all crowded to pray together. Then about a few seconds later, many taxi came! Its quite a big number. When we all took one and left that place, I could still see more taxi going in, like never end. And there's not alot of people because its so late. Amazing right?! Because its a miracle!
As for that friend of Steven, who knows that friend actually BLUFFED him? You should know that Steven is really stupid. Alot of people like to fool him, you know. He always everytime believe this and that. He even believe in black magic =.= (Ivy used to complain alot of incidences whereby steven was always fooled and always doing dumb things etc LOL)
So don't worry so much! Just study, be happy, and live our life is good enough!
This is exactly what my mother said to me. Especially the part where she and ivy said the same thing "Believe in yourself, because if you don't, even God can't help you"
My mother also said "Its guideline is to help change you into a better person, thats all" Anyway after that discussion, Ivy asked me the last time "So do you want to believe in God?"
I said "Yes. After your explanation, I finally understood. Nevertheless, I will still believe in Him."
But most importantly, I should believe in myself first.
She even said I cried for nothing =.= I do admit being silly but who doesn't care for their loved ones?! Anyway, thanks Ivy!! :D
And Jinwen, its okay for the "spamming". I also understood your point. After seeing your comment, I suddenly feel inspired to cherish even more to those around me. And I want to make my parents even happier than before, that is to pass my O levels, work hard and provide them so they can retire happily and have good life under my care. Thanks for ur tag! :D
And Hau En, thanks! Its my choice. I will still continue to believe in God because I hope with the help of it, I can become a better person. So see you tomorrow at Pioneer! :D
Written on: Thursday, April 16, 2009 Time: 9:04 PM
Steven, if you happened to see my blog and read this post, don't be so surprised. I copied one recent post from your blog and decided to use it for my topic. I hope you don't mind...
I had a chat with my friend and he told me a story of his near-death experience…  During his grandma’s funeral wake, my friend was on pillion behind his cousin, riding on bike. They got accident nearby his grandma’s funeral wake. My friend almost died as his cousin told him that his eyes were opened stationary or didn’t blink for 2-3 mins His cousin tried to wake him up by shaking my friend’s body. By then, he had regained conciousness He said, he saw his grandma walking on long white path with no surrounding as if he’s in space during his unconciousness… However after seeing his grandma, he realised he was being held by two persons. They were white and black guards… omg! like his soul was leaving the body… Here’s messages continuing… He : kind of path you saying? u know the path where u have to walk very far till u see the overhead bridge to hell Me : straight white path? He : ya He : my cousin shaking me hard, making me to regain conciousness He : and telling me that he tot I died as my eyes were opened Me : u saw grandma go… Me : to hell? He : ya but only saw her walking on path He : that made me curious to follow her He : but thank to my cousin who shook my body de my god… I tried to ask him to go to church better and pray as he has no religion but he don’t keen in any religion. -_- My friend… I will pray for you…
I don't know why but after I read it, i suddenly broke into tears. I kept crying and crying.
I started to worry for my parents. I don't want my parents to be like his grandma. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW THAT THEIR SOULS ARE ACTUALLY WALKING OT THE PATH TO HELL AFTER THEY ARE GONE. I feel so terribly hurt now. I told myself, don't take it to heart so seriously. Maybe it's not that serious. Maybe it doesn't mean for all those who are non-christians. Maybe that friend was only dreaming? Maybe he was pulling a joke? Maybe his grandma used to do bad things in the past so thats why she still go to hell even though it had been YEARS ago before she reached at old age? Erh but what if like what Hauen mentioned; One may not have done anything wrong at all but evil still hang around them? That can apply to that grandma? Maybe this.. maybe that....
But... that scene was an accident, his friend tried to wake him up, saw what happened, everything..... how can I ever convince myself when the evidence was already there? I wondered how that grandma felt when she was walking to the path to hell. Was she mentally prepared because she knew about this or perhaps she seriously don't know anything at all, doesnt feel anything at all, only her spirit do the work for her since she was already dead? That kind of power... Just like having you to try to remember your past life but you can't because your spirit erased it on your memory and only that spirit of yours know ALL the memories it had gone through. Just that you don't have to know.. Oh wait, what if it actually meant for the body only? What if the grandma was just curious, walk and walk on the path until she sees Hell and when she realise it was Hell, what is she going to do? How will she feel? I do wish i have the power to see everything in Hell and everything in Heaven. Wow, just who am I then? Can God do that? Seriously, if only Satan didn't exist. DAMN HIM.
I even spoke to Steven about it. He mentioned that friend got minor cuts n both legs. I was like "With minor cuts on both legs, he can actually still nearly died?" He replied "Probably knocked out. Im not sure...." ·s†eveŋ· ™ ★ тнe1Ч†нSкy says: but it's true story after all [ ``Ra|iNz`` ]²² DBSK ♥ • 라이첼 • 许悦婷 • says: he really not lying right?
·s†eveŋ· ™ ★ тнe1Ч†нSкy says: he's not...
Anyway, Steven's friend is a hearing impaired (HI)
I even asked around about this question "When one who is not a Christian doesn't do anything wrong, why wouldn't he/she go to heaven?" Of course I'll ask those who are christians, not to non-christians. I don't wish to scare them........
Some like hauen and victor gave answers such that some people do go to hell due to various reasons
While some others' answers are different but maybe thats to comfort me? Or it could be really their own opinions.
Why must it be NOW? Why in the world did I have to open Steven's blog and read this shocking post? Was it just a concidence? Or was God really trying to tell me something and it was fate that I stumbled upon the post? Maybe He want to let me know as soon as possible so that I will be prepared and to have my parents be christians too?
I have just accepted Christ (SALVATION) a few days ago and now I'm facing and thinking of all possibilites about Christ, the outcome of Christ, the consequences of not being Christ/being a Christ (do bad things) and etc, coming from all the things I have heard, seen and felt from my past experiences and during these few days after I accepted Christ. What is this.... I don't know man..... I don't want to think anymore....... I better get a grip on myself. God please hear me out. I don't want that to happen to my parents if it were ever true..
God, what do I do???
GUYS, WHAT DO I DO? Am I taking things too seriously?
I really love my parents.
I know it takes time but for how long? I won't know for I can't see the future......
I apologise if my post is disturbing you in any way.
Written on: Monday, April 13, 2009 Time: 10:09 PM

SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!! Especially, Joyce, everytime she opened this link, always see the same old post and that picture of the dying chicken LOL. ANYWAY I HAD LOTS OF FUN ON 11 APRIL 2009 We had MHI Captainball Competition. We played fair and square and everyone had fun :D My team, HOT KIMCHI, won the 3rd place!!!!Lakkshna and Beile came along to support! I have not seen them for quite a long time! Joyce was in my team, and even though she was not involved, she was a GREAT CHEERLEADER! Thats why she did deserved the medal too! :D During the game, I was pretty nervous because I was not that good at sports. My team fought with TWl's team. They are damn pros!! COOL. Then we had a break. Jiayi, me, Diyana kept discussing about our roles. Even asked Lakkshna and Beile tospot our mistakes. Then the next round, we fought with WaterAusties (Hauen's team) We fought hard and won the 3rd place! I was better at being a goalkeeper than a player. All I had to do was stand there and catch catch catch LOL. I was surprised that just after Diyana told me the strategy of a goalkeeper, I suddenly adapted quickly and managed to catch the ball all the time. I must have been "motivated" by Diyana??? Perhaps I was kinda lost at that time and when she told me the direction, I was able to buck up. Beside me, Jiayi, Chanying and Diyana were great players! And Ivy, always the great defender due to her freaky height! I once saw Chanying's FIERY EYES when she moved like a cat and snatched the ball swiftly! Like SHIOK man (even Jiayi's blog said too) The boys did well too! I forgot who won the 1st place. Leon's team...? Anyway, TWL's team won the 1st place! (As expected!)Zm's team won 2nd place! (Zhoumeng, i know you may be dissappointed but you did your best! At least it is still SILVER! There will always be NEXT TIME. Just work harder until you got your goal. Don't brood so much lah okay?) My team, HOT KIMCHI won the 3rd place!Hauen's team got the consolation prize (You guys did a great job too!) The most important thing was we all did not harbour any bad intentions or bear grudges against one another. Even Patrick Ong mentioned that we were there to have FUN and also a time to interact with one another freely as we had the whole day. After the competition, we had lunch and shortly after that, the rain suddenly poured on us! OH MY GOD LAH. All of us were rushing back to MHI like mad. I shared an umbrella with Jiayi and while she carried the umbrella, my job was to carry three packed lunch! They kept bouncing here and there and even slipped off my arms! The food looked so PATHETIC =.= But I thanked God that the rain came only after the competition was over and we had our lunch. It was like, the Water God was given an order by God not to release the rain until we completed the race. HEHEHE. PRAISE THE LORD. After spending some time at MHI to wash ourselves up, we had dinner. JIAYI HAD TO LEAVE! *pout* WHY MUST YOU LEAVE? EVEN DINNER TIME WITH US WAS NOT SPARED?! When you had to leave, I was like IM GONNA MISS YOU ALREADY! :( We hanged around at arcade near Dhoby Ghaut MRT station. We had fun pitting against each other and chatting at the same time! I was very impressed by Patrick's PRO SKILLS when he could defeat all opponents and even completed the whole stages! Why was i impressed for? Cos I am a GAMER TOO! I wanna learn those techniques of the buttons to target the right POWER!!!!! I fought with him once and I lost instantly. HAHAHA. I'm gonna challenge you again!Juncong, Ernest and Steven had a hard time competing with Zhoumeng. She won all the time! I laughed so hard when the boys lost. Their face expressions were so FUNNY I tell you! Juncong arh, he kept venting his anger on the machine. BANGED HIS FISTS SO LOUD. People stared at him so hard. JUNCONG, RELAX LAH! =.=After that, Beile and I had to go home. Had fun chatting with her all the way (: =================================================================== GOOD FRIDAY'S EVENTHauen invited me to celebrate Easter Day at her City Harvest Church. I was all ready to leave the house and took a walk instead to Aljunied MRT as I still got a bit of time left and will reach PIONEER on time. OMG. SO FAR MAN. MY FIRST TIME HOR. While i was almost at my destination, ONE OF MY SHOE BROKE!! THE HOOK THING....THE THING THAT IS BETWEEN YOUR TWO TOES, like that of a slippers, IT CAME OFF!!! I WAS LIKE WHAT THE HELL!!! It was such an unbelieveable state. How can I expect myself to walk like that all the way to Pioneer? I had to walk back home again. WASTED ALOT OF TIME. I felt so paiseh leh. I don't wanna take taxi cos its so near. Luckily not so many people around. But got look at me lah, cos i walked like an cripped person =.= OMG LAH, I was sooooo fed up please. ARGGGH!!!!! Rushed home, changed new shoes and ran like mad to the busstop, to the MRT and to Pioneer! Somehow I had to thank God. Why? If I did not walk to Aljunied MRT and took a bus instead, what if the shoe broke when i was already at Pioneer? An even worse state. Cos I planned to have dinner with Hauen after the celebration, which mean i had to walk around alot. I had to drop off at Clementi and took a taxi as instructed by Hauen cos I'm gonna be late already. She offered to pay the taxi fare for me. I felt so bad man. Blame on my luck. But in hauen's blog, she also felt bad =.= you go read hers. There, I WAS LIKE SHIOK EVERYWHERE. There was even a "concert-like stadium+ inside her church. When the door opened, MY JAWS DROPPED SO MANY PEOPLE WERE THERE. It looked as if they are all the FANS and they were awaiting their favourite star idol on stage. I AM SERIOUS MAN. I met Hauen's cellgroup. Her leader, Hui Mei (she damn pretty!) Zhao Hui (IVY, CHANYING, DIYANA, JIAYI AND ALL, she knows DBSK, SUJU AND BIGBANG! COOL!!!!) Dorothy Potae (a guy's name. he damn talkative) Beatrum (a guy) Adrian and some more others, I forgot already liao. There was even a DRAMA! WHOA LIAO, THEY ACTED DAMN GOOD LEH! They should be actors and actresses HAHA. The drama was invested $1 million! NO WONDER LAH. EVERYTHING WAS LIKE SO PERFECT OKAY. I had fun man. The CEO of CHC (city harvest church) Pastor Kong, shared Christ to all of us. Blah blah blah. Skip! I don't wanna be so long-winded. Okay, then he instructed everyone to close their eyes and raised up their hand if they want to accept Christ as SALVATION and come forward. I very much wanted to yet i dun feel ready at the same time. At the last minute, I finally went. I felt peace in me man but i know its not enough. OKAY BLAH BLAH BLAH. SKIP. I had dinner with Hauen and her cellgroup. Had fun with them. Talked to them. Then it was gonnabe late, so many of us went home. Hauen and I carried on our roaming at Orchard for a short while and went home. I HAD A GREAT TIME (: MY HANDS ARE TIRED FROM THESE LONG LONG POST. BYEEE!
korean addict again
Written on: Sunday, April 26, 2009 Time: 11:47 PM
Not Boys Over Flowers (BOF)
And i haven't even complete all the BOF episodes. It will be on hiatus till I finish Get Karl! episodes as the total is only 16 eps (:
Oh gosh, one show after another. Actually.... Before watching Get Karl!, I was watching Likeable or Not haftway. LOL!
I'm so addicted to korean drama alright! =.=
In addition, I still have my list of animes, waiting for me to continue watching the ongoing episodes. HEHE :D
Today, in the late afternoon, I attended music theory lesson. My teacher went through an exercise on Perfect, Imperfect, Plague and Interuppted Cadence to fill in the chords for the Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass (positions for a choir)
Wah liao, getting harder lah. I was like ZZZZ here and there, and wished that I was at home right now watching my current korean drama and chatting online.
Chanying and I were like "reminding" at each other to make ourselves go to bed, yet none of us made the move.
Anyway, I will be having Camp Corri on the 28th - 30th April (Tuesday to Thursday), and I am SO NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. To heck with seminar or whatever talks at school for the whole day =/
the good thing is, after thursday, is FRIDAY'S LABOUR DAY!!!
Praise the Lord for the change in the Camp Corri's day setting!
captainball fun!
Written on: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Time: 11:38 PM
Last Tuesday, I had my 2.4km run.
It was my first time not stopping even once for a walk.
I just ran and ran.
Along with Ivy. I wanted to stop but when I saw her running and not stopping, I also pushed myself harder. She also felt the same way. Hahaha.
While I was at the first route, I saw Diyana, Joyce, Chanying and Janice at the second route, on their way to the finishing line! Hahaha, we jiayou each other as we past.
We ran. From the start all the way to the finishing line
At first, Weiling was much faster than us! PRO MAN. Ivy and I ran at constant speed. While we were running. we saw Weiling up ahead. She was already tired and walking =.=
We said JIAYOU and ran off leaving her behind. LOL. She was damn tired. All her energy had been used up. lol.
After I past by the finishing line, I was breathing SOOO HARD for air! My heart kept pounding rapidly. So exhausted man. But after about 2 mins, I suddenly felt better. Quite fast. I felt that this year 2.4km run was much better than the past four years. Not because of not stopping once. I think it was because of the age. The time shorten as you get older.
After the 2.4km, all of us (HI girls sec 1,2,3,4,5) gathered somewhere where we placed our bags there. Some of us played on the see-saw. It reminds me of my childhood days! AHH, HOW I MISSED THOSE INNOCENT TIMES WHEN I WAS YOUNGER! FREE AND HAPPY! =.=
After roughly 2 hours, we all went home together ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TODAY (WEDNESDAY) I had captainball game at Tampines!
SO FUN! We laughed so much and played here and there like mad.
But some of us had injuries.
Chanying's finger was still hurting even since last year's sport camp. Poor her.
Ivy and I crashed onto each other while looking at that stupid ball.
Then Janice and Layling. Janice's butt or hips got hurt while Layling's lower jaw knocked on Janice's butt/hips.
Aiyo =.=
After spending 3 hours there, we all went home. The rest of us went to tampines mall while weiling and ivy went back.
Spent sometimes there and I left earlier as I had tuition at 8pm and I had to hurry home for dinner. My brain was so tired after one and a haft hour of math session =.= AHHHHHH
Anni even planned to go East Coast Park one of the days at June...................
I was like =.= Im definetely not going.
I already felt so bad going out often for the past few months already. I sometimes did not have time for self-study as I had other things to do. OMG LAH. Even now i am still going out. For example, to the church, Dgen band etc. But it shouldn't be too bad now because that was only for weekends.
"sunless" sunday
Written on: Sunday, April 19, 2009 Time: 10:53 PM
"I hate sunday, because tomorrow is monday"
It gives me the feeling of exploring in a tropical forest.
I was the one who capture this moment! HAHAHA!
Anyway, yesterday (Saturday) I went to Hauen's church for the service
I'm so impressed by the drama based on the topic we learned at the service!!
I should bring popcorn next time
But most importantly, I have learned many things from there.
The marriage, career, how to balance them etc etc.
After that, WING, a taiwanese singer was invited by CHC to perform
He als shared with us his experiences with Christ.
There's one time he spent four years and still had no idea what to write a song (he is a songwriter)
Then, i forgot what experience he went through that made him accept Christ
When he accepted Christ shortly after that or maybe longer than that, one day, an idea struck him.
He was speaking in chinese so yeah, Hauen's cellgroup leader, Huimei explained to me but my right ear's hearing was profound so it was kinda hard to catch some words but nevermind =.=
So, he was able to compose and many people love his songs.......
I wish DBSK was there instead.
After that, had dinner, then had bible salvation study for an hour.
Alamak, somehow something triggers me and makes me laugh. Dorothy's "lah lor lah" speaking sounds funny. Then Huimei took over. Somehow there, we both ended up laughing at dunno what thing. I think i was the one who started first. For Sap, I dunno if he saw what happened cos he was quite "out" of the gathering. Er, i dunno how to elaborate it lah. Damn quiet guy.
Okay, call me weird. I am indeed weird sometimes
Ayio, i think i was influenced by that CRAZY laughters I had with Ivy when we were imitating DBSK's songs
it was so hilarious that we both "rock" our body so much. Even had tears of laughters. It was really funny. Even diyana already laughed so hard when we showed her some part of it. =.=
Man, I should control my laugh. No, i wasn't laughing at the bible study. How can laugh about it right? It was other stuffs.
Closed. Went home together.
Actually, during the service, I kinda miss my friends. Would be great if you were around.
HAHA, cos im used to being with you guys more (: MISS YOU!
SKIP! =.=
Went for music lessons.
Then met Hauen at City hall.
She accompanied me to take photos for my Art coursework.
Kinda boring cos it was like, I had to act like someone who LOVES nature so much.
Anyway, not gonna put my photos here. They are meant for my art!
Actually I will, but only some and not now. I gotta sleep now.
School tomorrow
i understand now..
Written on: Friday, April 17, 2009 Time: 3:51 PM
That same person, Ivy, whom I asked about the question beside others, today, at school, after hearing her words, I started to understand better. Its quite a long post because we had been talking about it for almost an hour? I think it should be less than that.
She said this: You think just becoming a christian and doing good things, you will immediately go to heaven? No such thing, if that happens, then everyone will do the same thing. Then everything will be perfect. Then Heaven will be so crowded. Once you die, you are dead already. Why must still care which one to go even after your death? You can't feel any pain after you already die.
Jiayi once told me about the rules of Hell in her buddhist side. Like the torturous methods, and even the 18 levels of Hell. I don't believe in it because how could those people who first made that rule of Hell, find out about it? HOW did they find out? We don't know at all! Who knows they might be making up stories so that it will scare you and make you do good things for your own good?
If you don't believe in God, you will go to hell? Where got such thing? Then that means if I don't wear this shirt because I don't want to, I go to hell arh? I don't even think there must be hell and heaven. But if you go to hell, go to hell lah. If you go to heaven, go to heaven lah. Its destiny. How to change when you die? Same goes for me too cos everyone will die in the end mah.
The purpose of going to church is to learn more about God, not to force yourself to believe him just so that you can go to heaven.
If you think God can do everything for you, then we might as well don't need to study. Just pray to God for good results, thats all. I once did that when I was young, I keep praying, never study. Then exams came, I keep failing.. Thats why its best to believe in yourself and not God because if you don't, even God can't help you. Thats why when you can believe in yourself, you start to believe in God in same way.
God is more of a miracle. There's one time my family, my relatives and I could not find a taxi from an airport (I don't know which country; here or m'sia) and it was very late, like around 2am plus. No taxi sign at all. We took really long to find one. Then we all crowded to pray together. Then about a few seconds later, many taxi came! Its quite a big number. When we all took one and left that place, I could still see more taxi going in, like never end. And there's not alot of people because its so late. Amazing right?! Because its a miracle!
As for that friend of Steven, who knows that friend actually BLUFFED him? You should know that Steven is really stupid. Alot of people like to fool him, you know. He always everytime believe this and that. He even believe in black magic =.= (Ivy used to complain alot of incidences whereby steven was always fooled and always doing dumb things etc LOL)
So don't worry so much! Just study, be happy, and live our life is good enough!
This is exactly what my mother said to me. Especially the part where she and ivy said the same thing "Believe in yourself, because if you don't, even God can't help you"
My mother also said "Its guideline is to help change you into a better person, thats all" Anyway after that discussion, Ivy asked me the last time "So do you want to believe in God?"
I said "Yes. After your explanation, I finally understood. Nevertheless, I will still believe in Him."
But most importantly, I should believe in myself first.
She even said I cried for nothing =.= I do admit being silly but who doesn't care for their loved ones?! Anyway, thanks Ivy!! :D
And Jinwen, its okay for the "spamming". I also understood your point. After seeing your comment, I suddenly feel inspired to cherish even more to those around me. And I want to make my parents even happier than before, that is to pass my O levels, work hard and provide them so they can retire happily and have good life under my care. Thanks for ur tag! :D
And Hau En, thanks! Its my choice. I will still continue to believe in God because I hope with the help of it, I can become a better person. So see you tomorrow at Pioneer! :D
Written on: Thursday, April 16, 2009 Time: 9:04 PM
Steven, if you happened to see my blog and read this post, don't be so surprised. I copied one recent post from your blog and decided to use it for my topic. I hope you don't mind...
I had a chat with my friend and he told me a story of his near-death experience…  During his grandma’s funeral wake, my friend was on pillion behind his cousin, riding on bike. They got accident nearby his grandma’s funeral wake. My friend almost died as his cousin told him that his eyes were opened stationary or didn’t blink for 2-3 mins His cousin tried to wake him up by shaking my friend’s body. By then, he had regained conciousness He said, he saw his grandma walking on long white path with no surrounding as if he’s in space during his unconciousness… However after seeing his grandma, he realised he was being held by two persons. They were white and black guards… omg! like his soul was leaving the body… Here’s messages continuing… He : kind of path you saying? u know the path where u have to walk very far till u see the overhead bridge to hell Me : straight white path? He : ya He : my cousin shaking me hard, making me to regain conciousness He : and telling me that he tot I died as my eyes were opened Me : u saw grandma go… Me : to hell? He : ya but only saw her walking on path He : that made me curious to follow her He : but thank to my cousin who shook my body de my god… I tried to ask him to go to church better and pray as he has no religion but he don’t keen in any religion. -_- My friend… I will pray for you…
I don't know why but after I read it, i suddenly broke into tears. I kept crying and crying.
I started to worry for my parents. I don't want my parents to be like his grandma. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW THAT THEIR SOULS ARE ACTUALLY WALKING OT THE PATH TO HELL AFTER THEY ARE GONE. I feel so terribly hurt now. I told myself, don't take it to heart so seriously. Maybe it's not that serious. Maybe it doesn't mean for all those who are non-christians. Maybe that friend was only dreaming? Maybe he was pulling a joke? Maybe his grandma used to do bad things in the past so thats why she still go to hell even though it had been YEARS ago before she reached at old age? Erh but what if like what Hauen mentioned; One may not have done anything wrong at all but evil still hang around them? That can apply to that grandma? Maybe this.. maybe that....
But... that scene was an accident, his friend tried to wake him up, saw what happened, everything..... how can I ever convince myself when the evidence was already there? I wondered how that grandma felt when she was walking to the path to hell. Was she mentally prepared because she knew about this or perhaps she seriously don't know anything at all, doesnt feel anything at all, only her spirit do the work for her since she was already dead? That kind of power... Just like having you to try to remember your past life but you can't because your spirit erased it on your memory and only that spirit of yours know ALL the memories it had gone through. Just that you don't have to know.. Oh wait, what if it actually meant for the body only? What if the grandma was just curious, walk and walk on the path until she sees Hell and when she realise it was Hell, what is she going to do? How will she feel? I do wish i have the power to see everything in Hell and everything in Heaven. Wow, just who am I then? Can God do that? Seriously, if only Satan didn't exist. DAMN HIM.
I even spoke to Steven about it. He mentioned that friend got minor cuts n both legs. I was like "With minor cuts on both legs, he can actually still nearly died?" He replied "Probably knocked out. Im not sure...." ·s†eveŋ· ™ ★ тнe1Ч†нSкy says: but it's true story after all [ ``Ra|iNz`` ]²² DBSK ♥ • 라이첼 • 许悦婷 • says: he really not lying right?
·s†eveŋ· ™ ★ тнe1Ч†нSкy says: he's not...
Anyway, Steven's friend is a hearing impaired (HI)
I even asked around about this question "When one who is not a Christian doesn't do anything wrong, why wouldn't he/she go to heaven?" Of course I'll ask those who are christians, not to non-christians. I don't wish to scare them........
Some like hauen and victor gave answers such that some people do go to hell due to various reasons
While some others' answers are different but maybe thats to comfort me? Or it could be really their own opinions.
Why must it be NOW? Why in the world did I have to open Steven's blog and read this shocking post? Was it just a concidence? Or was God really trying to tell me something and it was fate that I stumbled upon the post? Maybe He want to let me know as soon as possible so that I will be prepared and to have my parents be christians too?
I have just accepted Christ (SALVATION) a few days ago and now I'm facing and thinking of all possibilites about Christ, the outcome of Christ, the consequences of not being Christ/being a Christ (do bad things) and etc, coming from all the things I have heard, seen and felt from my past experiences and during these few days after I accepted Christ. What is this.... I don't know man..... I don't want to think anymore....... I better get a grip on myself. God please hear me out. I don't want that to happen to my parents if it were ever true..
God, what do I do???
GUYS, WHAT DO I DO? Am I taking things too seriously?
I really love my parents.
I know it takes time but for how long? I won't know for I can't see the future......
I apologise if my post is disturbing you in any way.
Written on: Monday, April 13, 2009 Time: 10:09 PM

SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!! Especially, Joyce, everytime she opened this link, always see the same old post and that picture of the dying chicken LOL. ANYWAY I HAD LOTS OF FUN ON 11 APRIL 2009 We had MHI Captainball Competition. We played fair and square and everyone had fun :D My team, HOT KIMCHI, won the 3rd place!!!!Lakkshna and Beile came along to support! I have not seen them for quite a long time! Joyce was in my team, and even though she was not involved, she was a GREAT CHEERLEADER! Thats why she did deserved the medal too! :D During the game, I was pretty nervous because I was not that good at sports. My team fought with TWl's team. They are damn pros!! COOL. Then we had a break. Jiayi, me, Diyana kept discussing about our roles. Even asked Lakkshna and Beile tospot our mistakes. Then the next round, we fought with WaterAusties (Hauen's team) We fought hard and won the 3rd place! I was better at being a goalkeeper than a player. All I had to do was stand there and catch catch catch LOL. I was surprised that just after Diyana told me the strategy of a goalkeeper, I suddenly adapted quickly and managed to catch the ball all the time. I must have been "motivated" by Diyana??? Perhaps I was kinda lost at that time and when she told me the direction, I was able to buck up. Beside me, Jiayi, Chanying and Diyana were great players! And Ivy, always the great defender due to her freaky height! I once saw Chanying's FIERY EYES when she moved like a cat and snatched the ball swiftly! Like SHIOK man (even Jiayi's blog said too) The boys did well too! I forgot who won the 1st place. Leon's team...? Anyway, TWL's team won the 1st place! (As expected!)Zm's team won 2nd place! (Zhoumeng, i know you may be dissappointed but you did your best! At least it is still SILVER! There will always be NEXT TIME. Just work harder until you got your goal. Don't brood so much lah okay?) My team, HOT KIMCHI won the 3rd place!Hauen's team got the consolation prize (You guys did a great job too!) The most important thing was we all did not harbour any bad intentions or bear grudges against one another. Even Patrick Ong mentioned that we were there to have FUN and also a time to interact with one another freely as we had the whole day. After the competition, we had lunch and shortly after that, the rain suddenly poured on us! OH MY GOD LAH. All of us were rushing back to MHI like mad. I shared an umbrella with Jiayi and while she carried the umbrella, my job was to carry three packed lunch! They kept bouncing here and there and even slipped off my arms! The food looked so PATHETIC =.= But I thanked God that the rain came only after the competition was over and we had our lunch. It was like, the Water God was given an order by God not to release the rain until we completed the race. HEHEHE. PRAISE THE LORD. After spending some time at MHI to wash ourselves up, we had dinner. JIAYI HAD TO LEAVE! *pout* WHY MUST YOU LEAVE? EVEN DINNER TIME WITH US WAS NOT SPARED?! When you had to leave, I was like IM GONNA MISS YOU ALREADY! :( We hanged around at arcade near Dhoby Ghaut MRT station. We had fun pitting against each other and chatting at the same time! I was very impressed by Patrick's PRO SKILLS when he could defeat all opponents and even completed the whole stages! Why was i impressed for? Cos I am a GAMER TOO! I wanna learn those techniques of the buttons to target the right POWER!!!!! I fought with him once and I lost instantly. HAHAHA. I'm gonna challenge you again!Juncong, Ernest and Steven had a hard time competing with Zhoumeng. She won all the time! I laughed so hard when the boys lost. Their face expressions were so FUNNY I tell you! Juncong arh, he kept venting his anger on the machine. BANGED HIS FISTS SO LOUD. People stared at him so hard. JUNCONG, RELAX LAH! =.=After that, Beile and I had to go home. Had fun chatting with her all the way (: =================================================================== GOOD FRIDAY'S EVENTHauen invited me to celebrate Easter Day at her City Harvest Church. I was all ready to leave the house and took a walk instead to Aljunied MRT as I still got a bit of time left and will reach PIONEER on time. OMG. SO FAR MAN. MY FIRST TIME HOR. While i was almost at my destination, ONE OF MY SHOE BROKE!! THE HOOK THING....THE THING THAT IS BETWEEN YOUR TWO TOES, like that of a slippers, IT CAME OFF!!! I WAS LIKE WHAT THE HELL!!! It was such an unbelieveable state. How can I expect myself to walk like that all the way to Pioneer? I had to walk back home again. WASTED ALOT OF TIME. I felt so paiseh leh. I don't wanna take taxi cos its so near. Luckily not so many people around. But got look at me lah, cos i walked like an cripped person =.= OMG LAH, I was sooooo fed up please. ARGGGH!!!!! Rushed home, changed new shoes and ran like mad to the busstop, to the MRT and to Pioneer! Somehow I had to thank God. Why? If I did not walk to Aljunied MRT and took a bus instead, what if the shoe broke when i was already at Pioneer? An even worse state. Cos I planned to have dinner with Hauen after the celebration, which mean i had to walk around alot. I had to drop off at Clementi and took a taxi as instructed by Hauen cos I'm gonna be late already. She offered to pay the taxi fare for me. I felt so bad man. Blame on my luck. But in hauen's blog, she also felt bad =.= you go read hers. There, I WAS LIKE SHIOK EVERYWHERE. There was even a "concert-like stadium+ inside her church. When the door opened, MY JAWS DROPPED SO MANY PEOPLE WERE THERE. It looked as if they are all the FANS and they were awaiting their favourite star idol on stage. I AM SERIOUS MAN. I met Hauen's cellgroup. Her leader, Hui Mei (she damn pretty!) Zhao Hui (IVY, CHANYING, DIYANA, JIAYI AND ALL, she knows DBSK, SUJU AND BIGBANG! COOL!!!!) Dorothy Potae (a guy's name. he damn talkative) Beatrum (a guy) Adrian and some more others, I forgot already liao. There was even a DRAMA! WHOA LIAO, THEY ACTED DAMN GOOD LEH! They should be actors and actresses HAHA. The drama was invested $1 million! NO WONDER LAH. EVERYTHING WAS LIKE SO PERFECT OKAY. I had fun man. The CEO of CHC (city harvest church) Pastor Kong, shared Christ to all of us. Blah blah blah. Skip! I don't wanna be so long-winded. Okay, then he instructed everyone to close their eyes and raised up their hand if they want to accept Christ as SALVATION and come forward. I very much wanted to yet i dun feel ready at the same time. At the last minute, I finally went. I felt peace in me man but i know its not enough. OKAY BLAH BLAH BLAH. SKIP. I had dinner with Hauen and her cellgroup. Had fun with them. Talked to them. Then it was gonnabe late, so many of us went home. Hauen and I carried on our roaming at Orchard for a short while and went home. I HAD A GREAT TIME (: MY HANDS ARE TIRED FROM THESE LONG LONG POST. BYEEE!
About me
Music and art lover
Anime fan
DBSK fan
1st year NYP student in Animation (Digital Media Design)
2) Currently doing ATCL (Associate Diploma from Trinity College London in Flute Performance)
The exam pieces are just getting harder! T_T
Music. Art. Shopping. Korean pop. American pop. Read comics.
Watch animes, korean dramas and western movies
Travelling. Outdoor sports (badminton and captainball) Play photoshop. Loves
japanese, western and korean food!
2010 Resolution
• Do well in my polytechnic
• Be more confident in what I am doing
Organize things properly T.T
Pass my flute ATCL Diploma
• Continue theory grade 6
Learn other musical instruments
My Goals
• Be a professional flautist
• Achieve a successful career
Chanying (BlogS)
Chanying (LiveJ)
Elean Ng
Hai Shi
Hau En
Hui Yiu
Ivy Lu
Jeanette Lim
Joe Eng
Victor Keng
Victor Phua
Wei Lie
Wei Ling
Zhou Meng
I seriously love anime since childhood. I always draws out the manga characters and once created my own story of "Legend of the Dragons" and a Pokemon comic book made of only A4 PAPERS! I was still so young at that time. I remembered vividly that I gave one of my created comic book to a female teacher I really admired in CCPS. HAHA!
Animes that I have watched (alphabetically)
I'm not going to insert Summary on the shows I have watched.
Lazy! Just by seeing the genres can roughly give you the idea
DN Angel
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic,
Romance, School
Full Metal Panic
Genre: Action, Comedy, Mecha, Sci-Fi
Inuyasha Season 1 - 7 / Inuyasha Final Act
(last season)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Shounen, Supernatural
Kimi Ni Todoke
Genre: Romance, School, Shoujo
Ouran High School Club
Genre: Comedy, Parody, School, Shoujo

School Rumble
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School, Slice of Life
Shakugan No Shana
Genre: Action, Comedy,
Drama, Fantasy, Romance, School, Supernatural

Special A
Comedy, Romance, School, Shoujo

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (The Wallflower)
Genre: Comedy, Shoujo